Foto bij 004

Finally, the day had ended, well now I had to go to Will’s place to pick up my stuff I dumped there last night… I did now actually remember why I had shown up at his doorstep last night. What I still didn’t know is what I had told him and why I was so drunk again….

I look up and I look into the eyes of the one person I was least expecting here “Henri?” I shout, I freeze, what do you expect me to do otherwise? He must’ve noticed and sits down next to me on the bed, I jump up and run towards the door but he beats me to it. He shuts the door and stands in front of it, knowing I wouldn’t try to pass him. I back off a bit; I can’t stand to be this near to him. He comes closer and I take a step back, but he keeps on closing in on me, I am now standing with my back against the wall and can’t go anywhere. This was exactly what he wanted I could see it in his eyes. “No let me go!” I shout, he raises his hand and hits me in the face “Aw! Bastard! Let me go! You’ve had your fun! Let me go!” I shout angry and scared, I know what he is capable of and I do not want to go through that again. I feel tears stinging in the back of my eyes I fight not to let them out, he cannot know I’m scared. He hits me again, I try to block it but I can’t and I fall to the floor. I look up to see his face and I recognize that evil grin “No! No! please!” now I am crying, I can’t go through this again, not today! He takes my arms and lifts me up I now can’t touch the ground anymore and I hanging there, terrified of what will come next…. He throws me roughly onto the bed “please, don’t” I beg him

“hey watch out!” ugh I bumped into someone “sorry” I mumble without really looking up as tears had formed at the memory that had just plopped into my head… “Hey are you alright?” I looked up and noticed I had bumped into Luke, great, don’t get me wrong I like Lucas, I just don’t like what he and Ali do behind Ali’s boyfriend’s back… and I don’t like it that he always wants to know what’s wrong, he can’t take a no for an answer… “Yeah fine, I have to go. Bye!” and I start walking “I know that that is a lie Ali!” he yells. I turn around and yell, “Well, you think you know everything do you? Well you don’t. You do not know half of what is true or not! So now I would like to be able to leave this godforsaken place and go home thank you!” I turn around and run off

Reageer (1)

  • Skynight

    Wow.... so she's raped Ö

    1 decennium geleden

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