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another day of school... a week away from summer vacation.
those stupid teachers thought it was a smart idea to give a shitload of tests right before it...
its actually funny to see everyone fail though.
I felt a pat on my back, again.
"hey erm... can you help me with this?" Noah pointed at his book.
"with English? are you sure? I thought you were good at that?"
"its a hard chapter you know... maybe you can help me after school?"
I heard another giggle from that cunt.
I didn't want to be rude so...
"yeah... sure. just cycle with me after school ok?"
he nodded, turning back to his book, I heard the bell.
I walked around the corner and was pushed against a wall, I could guess by who.
I heard them yell.
the "meant to be"'s came flying across my ears and I was about to punch someone in the face.
"can you all just stop."
they shut up immediately.
"its just homework..."

school was over, I was walking alone. I forced my friends to stay away from that dude as far as they could.
Noah was coming running towards me.
"ready for some kick ass homework?" I said sarcastically.
he just nodded, again.
I arrived to home and gave a smile to my mom, hoping she wont say anything. which she did.
thank god.
we ran up the stairs and I threw my bag into a corner, throwing myself onto the bed.
I patted on the spot next to me, as a sign Noah could sit next to me.
he grabbed his book, opened it and sat next to me, looking at the chapter.
I just started some English conversations with him, but he didn't seem to focus on it.
"is something wrong?" I said.
"no... nothing its just..."
and in a second I felt his lips on mine.

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