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I was walking through my backgarden as my backpack was resting on my back, my shoulders were killing because of the huge amount of books inside it.
another shitty day of school, a black pool of hell.
I grabbed my bike as I cycled out of my garden, on my way to the bridge I already saw my super fab friend Jai, who was waiting for me.
I was late, once again.
we cycled to school and once we arrived we both threw our backpacks back on our backs. walking into the school I bumped into a boy.
"oh my god sorry I wasn't looking in front of me." I mumbled.
"no problem"
noah... that loser again.
my friend giggled as I grabbed my bag who fell of my back off the ground and started walking up the stairs.
"don't you even laugh you fag." I said to her.
"meant to be motherfucker."
I ignored her words and walked into the classroom.
I felt a hand on my back.
"Danielle what was the homework for English again...?"
I heard my friend giggle again.
"page 43 and 44, did you do it?"
he nodded, smiling.
"he likes youuuuuuu" my friend whispered to me.
I just threw my hand to her face as a sigh she had to shut up and got my books out of the backpack, the lesson started.

finally, Monday was over. I stepped on my bike as I heard my friend yell that I had to wait, which I did.
"why did you cycle away so fast?!" she said with heavy breathing.
"nothing just... you were really annoying today."
"what? why?"
"with that noah dude..."
she laughed.
"haha you like himmmmm."
"I DONT" I yelled back.
you could see how much fun she was having on her bike, thinking I liked that loser.
well... maybe I did.

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  • kauish


    7 jaar geleden

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