Foto bij 003

Ali really shouldn’t have said that, now I’m gonna cry… I break loose from the hug and run for the girl’s bathroom. And I just let everything out, I didn’t even notice James and Ali had entered as well. Now I have to explain things of course but I can’t I just can’t stop crying. You know those moments when you’re crying so hard that you just fall to the floor? Well this was one of those moments, my knees go weak and I’m falling towards the floor when I fell 2 strong arms wrapping around me and pulling me into a hug. I just lean onto him and cry I don’t care about my mascara right now, or his white shirt turning black because of me…. Okay yeah I do care, so I pull myself together and stand up and wipe the tears from my face, clean up my mascara and just stand there in silence. They’re both just looking at me, I’m so glad when the bell rings and we have to go to class, we start with French so Ali won’t be sitting next to me, luckily. And James is a year older than me so he’s never in my classes… Too bad really I would surely want him in my class he’s the only one I can really talk to… The day goes by so slowly which results in memories flooding back in to my thoughts…

I ring the doorbell and wait for someone to open the door. This is my safe haven when I’m going through a break-up. I always come here and then we go out together. I guess it’s because he doesn’t judge me. Will opens the door and looks surprised, of course he didn’t expect to see me here today, according to him things between me and Logan were just perfect, and it’s a Thursday and I never just stop by on a Thursday. “Hey bro” I say softly when he just keeps staring… “May I come in please” Crap my voice breaks, just what I needed…Of course William noticed this, he knows me to well not to notice this. “Of course sweetie, let me just kick Mason, Jake, Liam and Jaden out okay?” I just nod, afraid I’d start crying while the guys are here. I go straight into Will’s bedroom and wait for him to get here too."Alice?"

“Miss Dupont!” I look up and I see my math teacher staring mad at me. “Uhm, yes ma’am?” I ask polite as possible “What is the answer to this equation?” she ask, crap I wasn’t paying any attention I can’t solve this… I quickly look at Abigail’s paper and luckily she had written the answer down “6x equals 18 so x should be 3” I answered. I could see she was totally surprised that I could answer the question since I totally wasn’t paying any attention to the lesson and she must’ve noticed this.

Reageer (1)

  • Skynight

    Hehe, know that feeling in math, except I can't anwser the questions :p

    1 decennium geleden

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