Foto bij 002

I will try to post chapters frequently, but I won't rush into posting 'cause I want to do this one well actually :)

“No, I can’t do this, I love you, but I’m not in love with you anymore” I’m crying and I hate this… “But why not?” I can hear his voice breaking. “I can’t explain this, I just don’t feel the same anymore” “But I do” he’s nearly crying… “But I don’t, and I can’t help it… you deserve better” “But I don’t want better, I want you!” Ugh why can’t he accept this? This is hard enough already I cannot do this but I have to “but I don’t want you!” I start crying real bad now, I don’t want him to hear this I want to hang up when I hear him say “It’s because of James isn’t it?” I can’t believe he did this! How could he? James is just a friend, why is he so jealous, it’s not like I am mad at him when he talks to Sara either right? But then again I don’t really love him… but that doesn’t mean that I love James! “You should not have said that Logan! You know damn well that James and I are just friends! Ugh… Now could you just accept the fact that this is over? I have to go, don’t call me anymore” and I hung up.

"ALICE!" I look up, James is standing in front of me “Oh hey James” I slightly smile “You were dreaming again weren’t you?” he asks, gosh why does he know me so well? “yea I kinda was” my eyes tear up when I think about the memory “about?” he asks concerned. About how I hurt the nicest person on the planet because, I’m afraid of commitment? Yeah no that won’t be my answer “just stuff” I answer. I can see he’s not satisfied with this answer but it’s all I got right now. I can see him getting ready to say something about it but then Alicia joins us, I don’t think you’ve met Alicia yet. Alicia’s my best girl friend, and one of the few ones as a matter of fact. Alicia is so beautiful and she knows it, she can get almost any guy she’d want and she usually has more than one at the same time but that isn’t supposed to be known, so I guess I and James are the only ones who know about this… Alicia comes up to me and hugs me so tightly saying “It’ll be alright my peaches”, yeah that’s another thing she calls me peaches or Pooh sometimes or Ali, since that the part we both have in our names.

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