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There will occur some flashbacks in this story/chapter
they will be written in blue instead of black so it stands out :)
have fun reading <3

"Ugh what happened last night?" I asked nobody in particular. I woke up in a room I slightly remembered but there was nobody here. I looked around and recognized the room as time passed. I was in my cousin’s room; I picked up my clothes and went to the kitchen where I found him. He started laughing when he saw me, did I look that terrible? I quickly looked in the mirror next to the cupboard, but it was not that bad. Surely, my hair needed a little combing and my mascara had smeared a bit, which caused me to look like a panda, but nothing he hadn’t seen before? He laughed even harder when he noticed I didn’t know why he was laughing “What?! Why are you laughing?” I asked, a bit irritated. I mean I just woke up in his room, not knowing how I got there and then he started mocking me. Why do I even hang out with him? “You have no idea what happened last night do you?” he asked. Oh, crap, now I got it. I probably did something very embarrassing last night and now, I couldn’t remember… “Nope not really” I answered a bit humiliated. “Do you remember anything?” “Ugh no I already told you” Why couldn’t he just take no for an answer, now I will be hearing all about last night again… GREAT. “You don’t remember that it is Friday today? And that you’re lucky that I don’t live far from your school are you will be late?” “Oh crap!” I shouted loudly, what time was it? I took out my cell to look at the time, crap it was already 7.45 am! It took me at least 30 minutes to get to my school with the bus I was gonna be late. Even greater. “Will!” I was now really whining, “You have to drive me, I’ll be late!” I know he hated driving me and me whining, but he took me out on a Thursday, what was that good for? Since when did we go out on a Thursday? Ugh, I’ll find out tonight, since all my stuff’s still here. “Fine I’ll drive you, but then I want an explanation for last night got it?” Damn he knew me too well, after some time my memory always came back so I would probably have the explanation myself… The ride was short and silent, which I didn’t really mind, since my head was pounding like a drum… I arrived at school and just sat down on the nearest bench waiting for my friends, I was really hoping they wouldn’t be too loud, but that’s a problem for later. Right now I have a lot more to think about…

Reageer (1)

  • Skynight

    Nice, abo ;)

    1 decennium geleden

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