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This is Morgan & Noah.

I’ve always tried for the better, but I never stick to the status of how I feel.
But in another way I still know what I must do, I’ve tried thinking about it but completing the task is better though.

As I walk through the halls of my new school McKinley high school, I realize that this could be the beginning of something better for me. As everyone stares at me I walk to my first class. English literature. As I sit down I notice I’m the first one in and take the back row. When some guy came and sits down next to me. He stares to the board, and then turns around. “Hi you must be the new girl, Morgan, I am Noah Puckerman. Welcome.” “Thanks, but I’m not looking for the popularity on this school, I joined this school because this is the best Glee Club in the state next to Vocal Adrenaline of course.” I look as the teacher comes in, and I pay attention to him.

After class is over i stand up and walk out of the classroom when Noah stands infront of me. "What do you want Noah, I don't have time for this." He stops me and looks at me. "What have i done to anoy you that much." "Well first off all your a player and i don't get in love with them because they'll hurt you the most. And second of all i don't particulary like you since you spoke."
As i open up the glee club door later on, i see him sitting there, and i sit down next to a girl like my size and a boy with great sence for style.
"Hiya, i am Morgan, and you are?" "I'm Kurt this is Mercedes, and thats Rachel the most annoying one in here she wants all of the solo's. But don't pay attention when she speaks to you, she's got a star ego." I smile i like Kurt and Mercedes immediatly. When the teacher Mr Shuester came in everyone was quiet. "Well i see you all have met Morgan, she is my niece so treat her like you treat me. Hahaha. Well nationals is in 2 weeks and we still haven't got songs. Rachel not now... And no your not doing a solo." When he said that, everyone looked at Rachel. "What, i knew it you don't appreciate my talent." "Rachel don't be a drama queen, everyone gets a chance. And this time it's Morgan to give it a try with... hmmm a weird one but Puckerman. " "Hell to the no, i'm not singing with him... he is jackass." Everyone looks at me, and i run of the the auditorium where i sing my song.

THis is Morgan Singin in the auditorium.

When I heard someone clap, I turned around it was Kurt. "Girl, you''re amazing good, isn't she Mercedes?"
"Yes why are you crying girl."
"This song i wrote for my first boyfriend, he was like Noah, but he died a year ago, my mother could not stand me moping and crying and being alone all the time, she send me here to make a life without him. But seeying Noah it reminded me of him. His name was Alexander, he was 16 when he died, i know he did not want me moping and crying but thats me. I don't let any guy come close to me anymore afraid of loss again."

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