She has a horrible past.

Leyla was born on 5 march 1997, the day when she comes at this world. her life was at the begin not so pretty, her parents had a lot of fights. when she was 14 years old, her parents had again a fight. when she woke up, she saw her mother crying and she didn't knew what she must to do. then her father slapped her mother at her face. Leyla was startled, her mother cried so much. then her mother picked her clothes and ran out the door, she got into the car en drived away. that was the last day when she saw her mother.. her father was really angry and she ran to the bathroom and closed her up. she began with crying. it was horrible to see her mother like that. when she comes out the bathroom and saw her father, she didn't know what to do. she was afraid that her father will slap her like he did with her mother. but no.. he was down.. he was drinking alcohol and watched at the tv. she still walked what closer to him. when he heared that he turned to her, and he tried to look her in the face, but he couldn't. he still say to her " Leyla, i'm sorry. it's all my fault.." he began with crying a little bit. she was not angry, but she dind't know what to say to her father. still she had pain.. but she tried to take a pokerface. this day would she never forget. her father went to the outdoor and looked one more time to Leyla, then he walked out. she was now alone home, she didn't know what to do. she felt weird, though.

After a year, Leyla haven't see her mother anymore. and her father don't understands her. she felt alone.. no one could help her. it was.. so bad. she moved with her father to a new place, her father wanted to give her everything. he didn't not want to drink alcohol anymore. he promised her to be always there for her, but Leyla wouldn't believe in that. now he was to busy with his work. 2 months ago, when they moved to this place, her father got a job. then he met a woman. now he's too busy with her. he forgets he's douther.. Leyla felt forgetten, alone. nobody needed her. when she met a boy, she startted with to do things she never wanted to do. whe began with smoking, and using drugs. her father didn't know that she did it. the name of the boy she met was Jared, he never loved her really, he only used her for sex. the first time when he tried to do it with her, she slapped him into he's face. but later she realized that it had no sense. she did it with him, at that day she's not more a virgin. Jared said everytime what she must to do, she don't liked it. but she would to be a bad girl. she must to use drugs, and drive a car. but she was only 15 years old. Jared and his friends forced her. she did it then.. but she didn't know of she did right. one day, a boy who Jared knows killed a person, Leyla was stratled. she knowed it was not a joke anymore. when the boys talked with each other she was thinking about what she must to do. Jared saves that she was stratled and he walked to her, he says that everything is okay, and that she haven't no reason to be scared. then she get angry and they had a fight. Jared was stronger than her. but she ran far away of this place.Jared didn't know where she lives.

After 5 months, she saw Jared one more time, he walked into her and tried to kiss her. she putted him away and shouted that he must to stay away from her. but she was forgetten that everyone could see and hear it, because it was for school. her friends could see her and everyone didn't know what there was. Leyla didn't tell her friends what happened 5 months ago. only an her best friend, who she trusted. her best friend knew what was there and ran quickly to her, he protected her and shouted that he had to go away. she swallowed and took a deep breath in and out. Jared got into his car and drived away. then she said to her best friend " thank you" it was difficult for her. this time was not a really good time, it was horrible. like a horror. she never wanted to live like this. after 6 months,now when she's 16 years old, she would be a better person. now she's not scared anymore. she told everyone to her father, and her father was stratled, he pressed her against him and hugged her. he said that now everything be okay. she believed him. she was really changed now, her father and she did more things together. he asked her what's wrong when she was down, that was fine. she wouldn't never be the same as before now. she's not scared anymore, she's not scared to die and not scared to do new things. this time would be better. I'm not scared anymore, i'm strong now. no one can break me. the death is not a fear anymore.. i know what i would to be, yes i have made mistakes but i'm not a bad person. everyone makes mistakes. i know that i'm really strong now, and i can take every pain away. Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don't really end, anyway, they just begin again in a new way. Ends are not bad and many ends aren't really an ending; some things are never-ending.

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