This is the story of Leyla. It's one chapter, not more.

Leyla is a very funny, sweet and crazy girl. she like it to party with friends, make people smile and make jokes. she has not much friends but a few real friends. she love them really. she will always be there for them. but leyla has a very awful past. she hate it to talk about it because than she think back to that time and it was horrible. because her past, she don't trust people fast. she only trust people when she know them a long time or know for sure that they will never let her fall. she has a few real friends and she love them really much. she's happy with her life, because she has great friends and lovely parents. in the past she had a lot of fights with her mother. Leyla looks for a boy who really loves her and who she can trust. She want a boyfriend who is nice for her and give her support and will never let her fall. Leyla lives her life day to day and she try to not think to much about her past. That's the past and now is now. She know what she want in the future. She spend a lot time to her future. She thinks a lot about it and sometime's she worry of her future is nice. But she try to live her life day to day.

Now i'm gonna tell something about my past and my life now. okay, let's begin. in the past i was a really happy girl. i always smile and i was never sad. i don't think much about my life i just lived my life day to day. i had a lot of friends and i had never fights with my parents or something. but then, one day, i lost my aunt. she was like a second mother. she always help me and support me. she never laught about me, she was always there for me. if i had problems, i tell it to her. she was like my diary. so i was really sad and i don't know what to do. i was so broken. that time, i don't trust anyone, i don't smile, i don't believe in myself. i lose the hope. my parents saw that i changed and they try to help me. but i don't saw that they wanna help me so i reacting very mad. i had a lot of fights with my mom. she just don't understand how important my aunt was for me. my mom thought that she was just a aunt, but she was my second mom. but one time, a few weeks after the dead of my aunt, we had a good conversation. i was explain how much my aunt mean to me. my mom understand it and she lives with me. she try to help me and support me but it not really work. my dad try to help me to. he did everything for me, that was really sweet. but every day i cried and every day i was sad. than, one time, i couldn't take it anymore. so i start cutting myself. the first time i was with my grandmother. she was downstairs, and i was upstairs. i locked myself up in the bathroom and start with cutting. i saw allt the bleed but i thought that i deserve that pain. i did it a lot of times. than, after a long time, i was a little bit stronger. i realized that life goes on and that a lot of people really loved me. so i try to be the old me. it not reallt work but i was smiling. i had a lot of fun with my friends and i had no longer fights with my mom. than i met a cute boy, we fall in love with eachother and i really trusted him. he was so sweet ! he always give me gifts and hugs and kisses. i was so in love with him ! but after a long time, he start to hit me. the first time he did it, we had a little fight about something stupids. he hit me and i start crying. he said sorry and i forgive him. but than he did it again, and again, and again.. so i broke up with him. he start to call me slut and bitch and that was making me sad. i cried a lot but i realized that i need to be strong. so i was going on with my life and had fun with my friends. i did nice things with my parents and i cry a lot less. and after a while, i get a relationship with my bestfriend. i did know that he really love me so it was familiar with him. he always make me smile and try to cheer me up. i had great times with him ! But after a long time, we started to get fights so we decided to broke up. now we're still bestfriends and have a lot of fun together ! he will always stay my bestfriend. but after that, i had a lot of wrong boyfriends. a lot of them used drugs or something. but i don't care, i loved them. but they hit me too, i thought it was because the drugs but it was not. they don't really loved me so i broke up with all of them. now, my life is a lot better. i don't need a boyfriend, but if i met the one, than i'm gonna do everything to get him. now i only need my friends and family. they are my all. i just can't live without them. but now, i live my life day to day. i will never be the same girl as before but i try to put a fake smile on and go on. because, you only live once and i want a lot of great memories for later. life is beautiful but but you have to discover yourself. it's your life and you're the boss !

So, my past was not really nice or something. but i have learned a lot. I have learned to not trust everyone, to think before you do something and to live your life day to day. I try to put a fake smile on every day and just go on. It's not always easy but i trye it because i don't want that people are worried about me. I try to always be there for everyone because i know how hard some people have it. I have it hard to but i only tell that to my true friends. They know everything about me, from my rpg and real life. I just hope that people don't make the same mistakes as me. Because in the past, i was a really dumb girl and i have done stupid things. I have hold me a long time strong but sometimes i just break. sometimes i just don't wanna live anymore. but i need to stay strong. life is hard but you must persevere else make other people break you. You must show that you are strong even if you break through the inside. Just keep smiling and everything is going to be okay. You need to believe in yourself. That's not easy, i know. but you need to. In the past, i don't believe in myself. I thought i did everything wrong but now i know that everyone make mistakes. I'm not the only one and nobody is perfect right ? I hav made an rpg account because i wanna help people. People who wanna stop with the life, i wanna help them. Because i have the same problems. But, everything is gonna happing if you want it. i wanna thank my parents and my friends, and afcourse my aunt. my aunt will always be in my heart. sometimes i talk to her when i'm going to sleep. she will always be with me, in my heart. And i wanna thank that boys to. they have make me stronger. So, thanks.

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