
Dear stranger,

Today, you got a letter from me. I am not going to specify me, I'm only going to tell you that I am sixteen years old and that I am in need of someone. That someone might be you.

You have to understand that I know it’s not very likely that this letter will reach someone who cares, someone who’ll write back. I’ve taken a leap of faith by sending you this letter. This letter is one of five I’ve sent to places all over the world. So, yeah, no pressure.

I’m not going to beg you to write back. I am going to tell you why you might. Why it might be a good idea. I am sixteen years old, and like I just told you, I am in need of someone. I can almost hear you telling me “So, why aren’t you going to one of your friends?”. It’s not because I don’t have any, I do. But I don’t want to go to them. I want to go to someone who will not judge me because they know me, my past, or even my name. That is also the reason why you will only find an address on the other side of this envelope, and only my age in this letter. So you will only be able to judge me by the words I write. I dare you to write back.

And maybe, just maybe, you’re in need of someone, too. Maybe you’re looking for someone, maybe you were waiting for this letter. Maybe you don’t know you need me.
Because there’s one thing I’ll promise you. If you write back, I will
always listen. I will always take your words seriously. I will be there if you need me, even if it’s just by letter, only by these words. Sometimes, written words can help me more than spoken ones. I do not know if you share this believe. I hope you do, though.

So. Maybe these are the last sentences you will ever read, written in my handwriting. Maybe this is just the beginning.

The choice is yours.

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