Foto bij 056- Ella

dit keer is Ella Liam's GIRLFRIEND in plaats van boyfriend ;)
dank je StylesEyes om me op mijn fouten te wijzen :)

Morgen wordt de cd uitgebracht, maar vandaag doen de jongens een interview. Met de 4 vriendinnen zijn we meegegaan, maar we blijven op de achtergrond. Ze praten over de liedjes en al de voorbereidingen. Over de tour die gaat komen en dergelijke. De interviewer richt zich tot ons en wenkt ons.
‘Come girls, I want you here for a moment. There aren’t chairs but you can sit on your boyfriend’s sheet.’ We lopen naar de jongens en ik ga op Liams schoot zitten.
‘What we want to know, are you going with the boys on tour?’
‘I would love to, but I can’t. I have Little mix, so I can stay away for months. But we will see each other often, that’s for sure’, neemt Perrie als eerste het woord.
‘I’m not going either, but I will go to Louis often, when I’m free’, vervolgt Eleanor het gesprek. Ik kijk al naar Liam en hij knikt dat ik het mag zeggen. Eerst laat ik Elouise nog vertellen.
‘I don’t know yet. First of all, I have to ask my boss. I don’t think I’m going the whole tour, but I would love to go a part with them.’ Nu kijkt de interviewer naar mij.
‘I go on tour with them, because Liam and I want to be together after what happened. But I’m not going for free. I have a little job backstage, and I will be working for them.’
‘And that brings me to the next question: What happened between you two? You left Great-Britain and returned a month later?’
‘I’m not going to tell the details, nobody has to know them, except for us. But there was some trouble. I left Great-Britain, like you said, but Niall came after me and convinced me to come back.’
‘Niall? Liam, why didn’t you go after her?’
‘She left me a note, saying I didn’t may go after her. And I respected it.’
‘We didn’t see you that month. Not even on an interview, it was only with 4.’
‘I was a mess. I didn’t want to come out. The other boys were a bit better, not much, but enough to do the interview.’
‘Ella, you mad 5 boys unhappy with your action?’
‘Unfortunately, yes.’
‘You must mean very much to them.’
‘She mean very, very much to us’, antwoord Harry in mijn plaats.
‘In which way, Harry. Explain us please.’
‘She is Liam’s girlfriend, she’s my best friend and Louis’ weirdy, or whatever it was. And for Zayn and Niall, she means a lot to.’
‘Weirdy? Louis?’
‘Yes,’ Louis lacht,’ she is my weirdy. We invented that once because when we’re together we do really weird and it’s so much fun.’
‘And how is the relationship between the girlfriends? Eleanor, tell me.’
‘Well, I know Perrie for the longest time and we get along very well. Ella became in a short time one of my best friends and Elouise is the new one, but I like her very much.’
‘Elouise, tell me yours.’
‘Like Eleanor said, we like each other. We call each other El. I know Perrie just a week, but she’s really nice. And Ella is my best friend of the three. I knew her first and she was the connection between Harry and me.’
‘I think Elouise is nice too, she’s really funny and can listen as the best. Eleanor, is … Eleanor. As she said, we know each other the longest. And the best. And Ella, she is amazing! When we first met, we went to Starbucks and talked for hours and hours.’
‘You heard everything I wanted to say.’
‘It’s like you have a power, Ella. Everyone likes you immediately and you go meaning much to them in a short time. Can you explain that?’
‘No, I always liked attention and I’m not shy at all. I talked to strangers and want to know everyone I pass. But I don’t know why they like me.’
‘I heard your dad is here?’
‘At my apartment, for a few days now, yes.’
‘Is he going to move to England too?’
‘Yes, I asked him to live with me. And Liam, of course.’
‘And your mother?’
‘My parents are divorced and my mom never liked England. My dad is fond of this country and so am I.’
‘So your dad and you against the world?’
‘Yes, since I was little. And that will stay that way, no matter how long he lives.’
‘That will be very long with such a daughter like you.’ Ik wil sterk blijven maar toch rolt ere en traan over mijn wang. Voor de interviewer iets wil vragen, stelt Liam voor verder te praten over de tour. De meisjes zeggen gedag en verdwijnen weer naar de achtergrond, waar ik in huilen uitbarst.

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