Foto bij Ruled by Secrecy

Wauw man, ik begin dit zo leuk te vinden. Weinig feedback, maar dat boeit me helemaal niks. Nooit geweten dan schrijven zo leuk was!!! Ik heb superveel ideeën voor dit verhaal, en ik ben nog lang niet klaar.

Standing there, the urge to step outside to explore the Berlin streets began to take its toll. Doubtfully, I turned my back to the window, and slowly moved myself to the staircase, opposites to the room Magda was sleeping. I looked down, and my curiousity got a little smile on my lips. Knowing the fact I was definitely not allowed to do so, I walked down the stairs making as less noise as possible.

Safely landed on the first floor of the narrow house, I glanced as the river reflected the sunlight. Wanting to look more closely, the search for my shoes began. Longer than I wanted to, I stressfully threw every object in my way to the ground. The antique supplies were all just junk to me, eventhough Magda loved to show them off.

After hopelessly searching through the house, a strange little box hidden behind the cutains caught my attention. It was covered with a lot of dust, and as I blew the thick layes of gray matter off,it was noticable some strange circular codes were carved in the wood. I beheld the strange figures, and while I did my curiousity urged me to lift the cover, thus opening the box. As I assumed, it was not empty. It contained a pocket watch and a piece of paper that was folded in half.

First, I took the paper from it’s place. The same circular drawings were written on this piece of paper, and underneath the writing there were letters and numbers, which to my assumption were coordinates. I frowned, as I put the paper back in the box and reached for the pocked watch. I studied the shell, in which I discovered the same marks as on the box and on the paper. My curiousity was going mad. I wanted to find out what this was. Why was this hidden? What were these marks?

Not longer wanting to wait, I clicked the button on top of the watch, knewing this would open the watch. The little knowledge I had. An ordinairy watch. It’s only function to show mankind what time it was. Long not enough knowledge to possibly consider this one click would change my existance forever. In a split second, everything was clear. It all made sense now. A bright light flashed in my eyes, whispers filled my ears. Suddenly I dropped from the existance of Esmay Braun, the unknown lass in the big city of Berlin. I felt like a piece of me that was missing returned, and completed me. No more did I have vision on the room I was standing in. It was like a dream overwhelmed me. I heared voices, a crying baby, and strange voices screaming “exterminate !” There was one whisper that repeated itself, saying “Pandora” and everytime I heared that word, it was like my head could explode any second. In my head I was screaming, but I couldn’t make sure I was making any sound. The whispers continued “ Time Lord of Gallifrey.” “Pandorathyn’Opheliacelester, the one who survived the time war.” Second by second, I started to find these things familiar. And within time, I understood the universe. The light disappeared, but I could still feel it. Inside me, burning and retracing my long lost memories.

My name is Pandorathyn’Opheliacelester. I am a time lord, I survived the last great time war, and this is where my story begins.

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