Virginiawas making her way to the house of her yet to become boss.
She had been repeating the address (11880 Malibu Point) in her head all day, like it was a mantra.
Virginia couldn't remember another day that she had been so nervous except for today.
When she rang the doorbell a deep voice answered.
"What can I help you with?"
She could easily deduce that it was a man's voice, but she couldn't possibly think of who it could be.
Though the voice did sound familiar, but Virginia was sure it wasn't Mister Stark's.
After the visit he paid her in the middle in the night Virginia was sure that she could recognize his voice whenever he spoke.
"I am here for mister Stark."
"Everyone's here for mister Stark lady, but you can come in."
When she shily opened the door a man was standing in the middle of the hall, she immediately knew it was Mister Stark's bodyguard, and that's why she thought of his voice as familiar too, she had hear him talk to Mister Stark for a few times.
She asked herself why the man hadn't stopped his boss from sneaking into a girl's room in the middle of the night, she guessed she'd never know.
"Hello my name is Virginia Potts, I am here to apply for the job of personal assistant."
"Please tell me you're this 'Pepper' Mister Stark has been talking about for 3 weeks now?"
"Erm yes..."
Virginia hated to admit it, but she kind of liked the fact that he had invented a nickname for her before they had even talked to eachother.
She also wondered what her mother would think of him and how many women Mister Stark had already invented a nickname for.
"Thank God, I'll call him right away."
"Excuse me Mister...?"
"Hogan, but you can call me Happy that's what Mister Stark calls me." he smiled at me as he said Happy.
"Why do you say thank God, do you think it is a bad idea for me to apply for this job?"
"Oh God no, I think it is a great idea! It would be a true relief that is, he has been talking about you non-stop ever since you told him you'd come and work here after your exams were finished, I think he'll be surprised that you've already arrived, he wasn't expecting you until next week."
"I can go home and return next week if he wants."
"No please don't, just stay. I can't take another week of his whining."
He sounded so desperate that Virginia couldn't help but burst out into laughter at first he looked at her like she had just gone mad but after a few seconds he couldn't help but burst out in laughter too.
"Well well Happy, what's all the fuss about?"
Virginia immediately stopped laughing, while Happy couldn't stop and Mister Stark patted him on the shoulder with the widest smile.
"Oh Pepper you're here! I am so glad you've finally arrived, I've already built you an office and your bedroom is ready too..."
"My bedroom Mister Stark?"
"Please call me Tony and as my Personal Assistant, you'll be living with me."
"He apologizes in advance." Happy added, his voice was still a bit shaky.
"You seem surprised Pepper, are you alright with this?"
"Excuse me Tony, but her actual name is Virginia, you do know that right?"
"Yes I know Happy, but it is irrelevant."
"Okay Tony if you say so, I'll be in the other the room if you'll be needing me." Happy said as he removed himself from the room.
"So, you're up for a tour trough the house missus Potts?"
"It is not missus, Tony."
"What a relief!" Tony yelled as he walked up the stairs, Pepper didn't know what to do so she decided it would be best to follow him.
"This will be your home-office, but of course I'll give you your own personal space in my office in the company."
"Of course..." Pepper silently whispered, she didn't see that one coming either.
"You always seem so surprised with everything I say, aren't you in for the job any more?"
"Of course I am Tony, but I just didn't expect so many privileges."
"You'll be needing to spend a lot of time with me, after a while all these things won't feel like privileges anymore. You'll be needing them."
Pepper didn't ask what he meant by that and if she was completely honest she'd much rather find it out for herself.
"Your bedroom is upstairs, I'll have your clothing shipped by tomorrow, do your parents know that your moving houses?"
"More like moving mansions..." Pepper said more to herself than as an answer to his question.
But as Tony bursted out in laughter Pepper realized that he had heard and she felt like she had been 'spreading joy' wherever she went today.
"But do they know missus Potts? I need to know."
"I don't live with my parents anymore, before I went to high school I moved to an appartment."
"How sad..." Tony said mockingly, but the way he smiled afterwards told Pepper that he didn't mean it in a rude way.
"Well you'll have your clothes by tomorrow then, how does that sound?"
"That sounds good Tony."
"I knew it would..."

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