Foto bij 048- Liam

'Sorry guys, for being late', zeg ik maar meteen als we binnenkomen. Ze kijken ons allevier aan en schieten dan in de lach.
'What's wrong with them?' vraagt Ella aan mij. Ik trek mijn schouders op en kijk weer naar de jongens.
'We want to know why Liam didn't answer his phone and why you were laughing when Harry called', begint Louis direct. Ik kijk naar Ella die op het zelfde moment naar mij kijkt.
'Do you really want to know?' vraagt Ella.
'Yes', zeggen ze met z'n vieren tegelijk.
'I won't tell it anyway', lacht ze en ze zet zich neer op de stoel naast Zayn. Nu kijken ze naar mij.
'What are you expecting? I won't tell it either', ondertussen zit ik al naast Niall.
'Why do we have a last-minute meeting?' vraag ik dan maar.
'We don't know either. Would there be something wrong?' vraagt Niall zich af. Iedereen trekt zijn schouders op.
'Why am I the only girlfriends that has to be here?' vraagt Ella.
'Guys,' begint Zayn,' stop asking all these questions. Nobody in here knows something. So it doesn't help us.'
'You're right', zeg ik dan maar tenslotte. 'Let us wait on the management.' En lang moeten we niet wachten. Bijna onmiddellijk nadat ik het laatste woord uitspreek, komen ze binnen.
'Hello guys, sorry that this meeting is so unexpected. I hope it wasn't much trouble to get here.' Harry en Louis beginnen te giegelen. Gelukkig besteed niemand er aandacht aan.
'Thank you for coming so early in the morning. It's about the Take Me Home tour. The album will be released next week, so that will be a busy period. And the tour isn't that far anymore. we let you coming about something you guys asked us. Liam, you asked us for having Ella with us on tour. But we don't think that's a good idea.'
'What? Why not? Are you saying that I have to leave her all the months we're gone?!'
'You are going to see each other sometimes. If Ella fly a few times over.'
'I'm sorry. But one, I don't have the money to do that and two, I left everything to be with Liam and now you are going to forbid me to be with him?'
'Liam has to be focussed on his work and the band. And Eleanor, Perrie and Elouise aren't going either.'
'Please, I beg you! Let Ella go with us, please!'
'And what is she going to do if you have interviews, concerts, signings, rehearsels...? Because she is going to be alone most of the time.'
'I have an idea', zegt Harry. We all take our girlfriends on tour and they have each other when we are at work.'
'4 girls? That is very expensive!' Het management vind het idee van Harry duidelijk minder goed dan wij allemaal.
'And what about Niall?' Het is Ella die weer het woord neemt. 'I want to go with you on tour and it would be amazing with Eleanor and Elouise. And it would be nice to meet Perrie. But Niall doesn't has a girlfriend. And if we can do something all together, Harry will be with Elouise, Louis with El, Zayn with Perrie, Liam with me and Niall will be all alone.' Aan de ene kant verpest ze nu alles maar aan de andere kant heeft ze gelijk. Ze kijkt me met een sorry-blik aan.
'Don't worry about me', zegt Niall.
'I do, Niall. The tour is something you all have to enjoy. See the world, the fans.'
'That is also a problem', zegt dit keer weer het management. 'How will the fans react if you bring your girlfriends on tour?'
'But still I don't want to leave Ella', zeg ik beslist. Het spijt me voor de jongens, maar ik kan Ella geen tweede keer laten weggaan. Of zij mij.
'We will search for a solution. If one of you find something, let us know please.' En met die woorden laten ze ons achter in de kamer.
'I'm sorry, guys. I know non of us want to leave his girlfriend but I don't want to go the same time as a week ago.'
'We get it, Liam. And we are going to find something all together', gaat Zayn op mijn excuses in.

Reageer (1)

  • AnkePayne

    aaaaw liam is zo een schatje

    1 decennium geleden

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