Foto bij 045- Ella

'I can't contact Molly', zegt Louis als hij weer binnenkomt. Ik kijk hem vragend aan. 'We didn't hear from her since you were gone.' 'Why didn't you call her?' vraag ik aan ze allemaal. Molly was een super goeie vriendin van mij, ze wisten dat toch? 'We did. She doesn't want to answer.' Ik snap er niets van. Misschien als ik bel... 'I am going to call her, maybe she will answer my call', zeg ik beslist als ik rechtsta. Dan ga ik naar de kamer ernaast en zet ik me op de rand van het bad.

- Hi, Molly.
+ Ella?
- Yes, it's me. How are you?
+ Fine, I guess.
- I'm sorry. Sorry for running away. Sorry for not letting you hear anything. Sorry for leaving you alone at the store...
+ It's okay, I just miss you.
- Are you so unhappy? Because of me? A girl you haven't known that long?
+ Not just a girl I haven't known that long, you Ella. One of my best friends.
- Am I that important to you?
+ More than you think.
- So sorry.
+ Did you hear anything from Liam and the others? They call me sometimes but I don't want to answer.
- Why not? You don't even know why they call.
+ I have an idea. They call me to say that they are sad too, and that they want to help me. Louis called just before you.
- I think you had to answer that call.
+ Why?
- It was an important call.
+ How do you know? Ella, do you have contact with them?
- He called you to say that I'm back in England.
+ What...back?
- Yes, I'm in Zayns house. With the boys. And the girls are on their way.
+ Are you serious?? This isn't a joke, is it?
- No, it isn't. I'm here.
+ O my god!! I'm on my way! But how? Why did you come back?
- Niall came to my house in Belgium and convinced me to come back.
+ I hear it when I see you.
- See you in a minute!

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