Foto bij 040- Ella

- Liam?
• Ella, is that you?
- Yes Liam, it’s me.
• Ella! Finally, I texted you a million times!
- I know
• Are you with your dad?
- Daddy is at work. Niall is here.
• Niall?
- Yes. Suddenly he was at my front door.
• Why?
- To talk.
• About what?
- Everything. Do you have time right now?
• For you, always.
- Okay, it’s on speaker.
• Okay.
~ Hi Liam.
• Niall? What?
~ Calm down, it’s a long story.
• Go ahead buddy.

Niall vertel alles eerlijk aan Liam. Dat hij verliefd op me werd en me negeerde daardoor. 1 ding verzwijgt hij en ik weet niet of ik dat oké vind. Terwijl Niall verder verteld, denk ik er over na. ‘So’,zegt Niall als hij heeft ingelegd. ‘Now he knows everything.’ ‘Everything? Because I thought that you forget one thing to say.’ Hij kijkt me onschuldig aan. Hij weet wat ik bedoel.

‘Why would I tell him?’ Niall kijkt me doordringend aan. ‘Because he has to know it’, antwoord ik cynisch. Wat is dat nu voor een vraag? ‘He doesn’t have to know it. if i don’t say it and you don’t say it…’ ‘Oh what, Niall? Do I have to lie?’ ‘No, you don’t have to lie, you just don’t say it. That’s different.’ ‘For me it’s just the same. Don’t you think he has to know it?’ ‘I don’t know. I guess, but not if it ruins our friendship.’ ‘It won’t. I know it too and it didn’t ruin ours, or whatever we had.’ ‘you can’t compare our friendship with Liams one.’ ‘I know. But you better say it. What do you think he would do if he finds out?’ ‘You are right. I will tell him when I’m back in England.’ ‘Do you want me to go with you?’ ‘If you don’t mind…’ ‘I can’t wait to see everyone!’

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