Foto bij 039- Ella

ik heb mijn laptop terug!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry voor het korte stukje, morgen komt er een langere ;)

Wacht, wat zei hij nou? Ik laat het tot me doordringen en kijk hem ongelovig aan. Dit is niet mogelijk! Maar hij gaat verder met zijn verhaal. 'I was so excited to meet you, till I loved you. I didn't want to come between you and Liam. I thought that it would go over if I didn't spend much time with you and if I kept you as a stranger. But you wanted to get to know me. You tried so many times but I wanted to stay with my plan. It hurted me to see you crying. Then Harry became your best friend. And I was kind of jealous. I loved you but it was not possible to became your boyfriend. And because of my stupid plan, I lost the possebility to be your best friend. Then Louis became your most funny friend, another thing I could forget. I got more and more angry with myself. How could I do that? But I worked it out on you. Then the guys came with the idea to thank you with a fun day and a dinner. I wanted to start again that evening. But then you asked me about girlfriends. And I lost it. When you ran away, Liam yelled at me. He yelled: "Niall! Why do you hate Ella so much? Do you know what you just did? This is not my best friend Niall!! This is an asshole that I don't know!" I realized I lost you and almost my best friend. When I read your letter I couldn't believe it. First I thought that everything would be alright. I thought that my plan worked. But after a few days, I realized that I ruined the relationship of my best friend and made everyone unhappy...' Ik slik en kijk hem aan. Nu pas merk ik dat hij weent. Hij blijft zwijgen en dan besef ik dat hij is uitverteld. Nu pas zeg ik iets. 'Niall, why didn't you tell me? I could help you. I didn't expect a love explination, but you couldn't do anything about it. Love is something that happens to you and you just fell in love with the wrong person.'

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