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~Merry and Pippin

'C'mon Merry!' Pippin yelled enthousiastic. 'Calm down Pippin! They won't be home for hours!' Merry said, calmy walking across the fields, heading to Bag End. Pippin waited for Merry. 'I know.. But I just don't wanna get caught.' Pippin said. 'We won't. Now, come on. To calm down doesn't mean to stop!' Merry laughed. Pippin had suddenly stopped. 'Don't they have a gardener?' He sounded scared because he knew he was right. Merry walked back. 'They do have a gardener. The old Gamgee. He's and old man and starting to get deaf, so don't worry! It will all be alright!' Merry eased. 'I hope so...' Pippin said as he walked further.

'Remember, flowers, corrots and potatoes.' Merry said. Pippin knodded and he openend the gate. They split up and started picking the plants. 'Eah! You there! What are you think you are doing?!' Someone yelled. The hobbit quickly walked onto Merry and Pippin. 'Who are you?' Merry asked astonished. Pippin didn't say a word, afraid of being punished. 'I am Samwise Gamgee. But it matters who YOU are? And what are you doing in Mr. Bilbo's garden?' Sam asked suspicious. As he saw the flowers and carrots in their arms he said indignantly: 'Are you trying to steal Mr Bilbo's plants? Shame on you! Noboby will steal anything of his garden as long as I'm alive!' 'No no no! We aren't stealing anything! We were harvesting.' Merry bended the truth. 'But why? I'm Mr Bilbo's gardener. Not you! You're lying!' Sam said.

'Hahaha, calm down Sam!' said a friendly voice. All three looked around and saw a young Hobbit with blue eyes. 'Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck I believe. If you could please put those plants back.' He said with a friendly smile. Merry and Pippin immediately did what he said. 'Mr Frodo! You're early!' Sam said antonished. 'Yes Sam, I am. All of a sudden I had a stong appetite in a drink of The Green Dragon Inn.' Frodo explained. 'Who are you?' Pippin asked curious. 'I am Frodo Baggins, Bilbo's cousin. I live here a while now.' Frodo said. 'Hmm.. What do you think of continueing this conversation with a cool drink? I'm a little bit thirsty.' He smiled. 'Aren't we getting punished?' Pippin said hopeful. 'No, not this time. But don't do it again, please. Bilbo likes his Garden and Sam has spent much time gardening.' Frodo answered. 'So.. What about a drink?' He repeated. 'Haha, always!' Merry laughed. 'Have a good time, mr Frodo!' Sam said. 'But Sam, you won't be staying here. Join us!' Frodo invited him. Sam started to laugh and accepted the offer.

And so became the four innocent young Hobbits best friends, without any idea what was in their future.


Reageer (1)

  • Karube

    D'awww, zo schattig :3
    Je Engels is heel goed, trouwens ;D

    1 decennium geleden

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