Foto bij 038- Ella

*****Nog een week later*****

Ding Dong! Ik zucht en open de deur aangezien paps niet thuis is. Ik ga letterlijk in een shock over als ik zie wie daar staat. Niall! 'Euh.. Can I... Can I come in please?' vraagt hij aarzelend terwijl hij naar zijn vingers kijkt. Hij is zenuwachtig, dat kan ik zien aan zijn trillende handen. 'Yes, I guesse. Take a seat', ik sluit de deur en ben nog steeds in shock. 'Ella..' 'Niall...', zeggen we tegelijk. Hij doet teken dat ik eerst mag zeggen wat ik wil. 'What are you doing here? I said: Don't come after me."', zeg ik terwijl ik in de zetel rechtover de zijne ga zitten. 'You left that letter to Liam, not to me. So you said it to Liam and not to me.' Ik zucht maar besef dat hij theoretisch wel gelijk heeft. 'I came to convice you. You have to come back to England.' 'No.' 'Liam is a mess. He doesn't laugh anymore. He comes to the studio, does what he has to do and goes back to his house. He doesn't go out, he doesn't take care of himself.' Ik kijk naar mijn handen en probeer de tranen in te houden. Gaat het zo slecht met Liam? Door mij? 'And it's not only Liam. Louis is quiet. He only says something when you ask it. Harry misses you a lot. Zayn liked you, but he didn't know you like the others. But the girls...' 'How are they?' 'Well, not good actually. Eleanor has a hard time but she wants to be there for Louis. She can't do it that way any longer. Elouise is so sad that Harry has to be with her all the time and he gets weaker because of her.' 'And Molly?' 'I didn't hear her after she read your letter.' 'All because of me?' 'Yes..' 'And you?' 'I...' 'You were happy, weren't you? You finally got what you wanted. Only you didn't expect that everybody would be so sad.' 'No, but ... It's complicated, you wouldn't understand.' 'Try me.' 'Well, I can't tell you what I went through if you didn't know why I did so angry to you.' 'Taht's what I asked you a several times, but you didn't want to say it!' 'It's a long, complicated, weird story.' 'I have time, I'm quite smart and I'm a professional in weirdness', hij lacht om mijn antwoord. 'Well, it's started when you were in Belgium. Liam just got your news about the whole move-to-England-thing and he was so happy. He started to talk about you. About your personality, hobbies, friends, family, just everything. He told about your vacations with him and even I never saw you before, I started to fell in love...'

Reageer (3)

  • Merry10002Xx


    1 decennium geleden
  • AnkePayne

    Ooooooh ik dacht al zoiets da nialler op har verliefd zou zijn :) super schattig en lief da em voor Liam komt :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • LeLouisx3

    Fuck, ik dacht al dat het zoiets ging zijn... Vanaf nu denk ik niets meer

    1 decennium geleden

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