Be prepared for your feels <3
English, so please don't react too surprised

I was once your best friend, right? You helped me, through thick and thin. You were always there when I needed you.

Where have you gone to?

He silently cried, lying on his bed while hugging the white pillow. Tears dripped down his pale face, contrasting the puffy red eyes that had come after a long time.

"Hey, Cry, I've been invited to this cool new years eve party, wanna come with me?" the blonde asked him. The brunette's face became red. "I- isn't that for couples?" Pewdie smirked. " Yes, so?" The masked male looked down to his lap. This was his dream. Going out with PewdiePie. Why the fuck would he refuse? "Sure!" The taller male smiled brightly. "Perfect! I'll get you at eight tomorrow!" he said, and turned the video call off. Cry sat there for some moments, before he realized he finally could have a chance with the male.

"So, are you enjoying yourself?" Pewds asked the brunette in front of him. Cry nodded. He was enjoying himself, a lot. Why? Because he finally knew he would tell the swede how he felt. "Uh, Pewds?" the blonde looked up while nibbling on a piece of chips. "whmhat?" he said, and Cry chuckled. "Don't eat too much snacks, we're going to eat dinner soon enough!" The music drummed in their ears, and it was hard to hear anything. Not that Cry cared. He actually wasn't comfortable in the first place, music only made it more comfortable. The masked gamer (in suit) pulled the male in front of him into the garden of the school, which was running for about 2 minutes

"I- I wanted to tell you something, and it was impossible with the noise there. . ." the smaller man panted. The swede looked up, curiosity filling his eyes. "Tell me, Cry." The brunette slowly caught his breath, and stood up straight. "I- I- . . . wait." he said, and hesitated. Should he?
He slowly reached for the small ropes in his hair, and untied his mask. The man opposite him realized what the older one was doing. "Cry-"
The mask fell into the brunettes hands, who looked down. "Cr- Ryan." His eyes shot open as he heard his real name. "Look at me."
Ryan bit his lip, but let Felix take his chin higher up. The blush spread out in the blue eyed man made it even more embarrassing, he used to feel safe. Protected. Masked.
Now, everybody could harm him.
"Thank you."
The gentle voice whispered, and red cheeks became crimson.
"Felix, I-" the brunette started, but was cut off by a kiss.
"I love you too."

The night couldn't be better, and the two males went to their car, finally together. The sky was dark blue, and filled with small lights. Cry looked outside, while the Swede drove away.
Then, everything slowed down.
A horn sound very close, screams, and Cry's eyes widened. A truck flew towards them, crushing the car with his power.
Everything went red, and black.

Hospital beeps everywhere, and it was a nightmare for the brunette. After three days, he opened his eyes. The nurses were glad, and gave him his precious mask back, as good news. The porcelain wasn't broken, to his relief. What the nurses didn't want to tell him yet, was that the blonde may would never open his eyes again.

And so he did.

Tears came faster and sobs became louder. 'Why did you have to go?' he murmured, reliving the memory. 'Why did you leave me, just when my wish had been fulfilled?'

'Don't worry about it, Cry.' the voice echoed through his head. His voice.
Cry's eyes shot open. Shocked, happy, but sad.
'Just, please don't forget me while I'm gone.'

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