Foto bij 01/01

Fili sat bored on the grass, playing with tuft of grass. 'Fili! Why so bored?' Kili asked before he sat down next besides him. Fili started laughing and looked at his brother. He had mixed feelings; Loyalty and playfullness. Í don't know, I'd love to run over the fields and laugh with the elfs, but Thorin wouldn't appreciate that. You know what he thinks of them, what all Dwarfs think of them.' They looked at Thorin, who sat surly on his chair, pricking in his salad with his fork.
'Let him be moody, brother, the elfs are best people! Let us run through the forest and walk across the fields.' Kili layed his hand on Fili's shoulder and understood he wasn't really convinced yet. 'What do you think of the idea Thorin will never find out? We don't have to tell him, he doesn't have to know everything.' Kili winked and started laughing. He nudged Fili and ran away laughing. 'You'll never catch up with me!' he yelled happily. Fili overcame his doubts. He stood up and ran after his brother.


Reageer (1)

  • Karube

    Awawawawwefgegnireog :3
    That was adorable!
    Thorin is such a damn party pooper :l
    I loved this (bloos)

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