Foto bij F1

I love doing this! hope you like it toooo! hihi

As you walk to the end of the pier somewhere in a beautiful city in France, you watch the sun go down and when you get to the end of the pier you sit down. You stare to the sweet little houses across the water. You get a shiver when your toes touch the cold water. with both feet in the water you look at the gorgeous view. The sunset, the houses, the trees, everything is perfect. except... you don't have someone to share the moment with. Your mind is in another world and you're not noticing that someone is sitting next to you. 'Do you come here often?' the voice asked. you look to the right where the voice comes from. it's a boy, a sexy, sweet looking boy. 'No, this is my first time, I had to escape from my friend so I took a walk and came here. what about you?' you ask. He sits down and starts talking: ‘I needed some time away from my family. They’re really exhausting you know.’ It was quiet after he said that. ‘What were you listening to?’ you ask while you are pointing at his iPod with earphones. He smiled. : Do you want to know? I don’t have such good taste in music. I warned you.’ And he gives you an earphone. you recognize the song, it was (your favorite song) ‘This is such a good song! I love this!’ you say with a big smile. ‘Well I’m glad’ he says. ‘What is your name pretty lady with a good taste in music?’ for a while you look at the water and without turning your head to face him, you answer: ‘Floor’. then it’s quite again. He reaches out his hand and says: ‘Hey, my name is Tom, Nice to meet you!’ After you have a conversation with him for an half hour you really like him. ‘I really like you Floor, can I have your number so that we can meet tomorrow?’ You get a huge smile on your face and you nod. ‘Yes off course! It’s 0612345678.’ And he puts it in his mobile. He types something and then he puts his phone in his pocket. Your phone rings, you have a text: ‘Is it OK if I kiss you?’ it says. You look him in the eyes and you say: ‘I thought you’d never ask.’ He leans towards you and you lean towards him. Right before your lips touch his you close your eyes. BEST DAY EVER!

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