Deze is ook voor een vriendin :P Oeh dit is leuk om te doen

You walk through the cold streets of London on Christmas eve with your best friend. A few meters in front of you is a boy, a Hot looking boy who is staring to you. You look at him with your most flirtiest look and then you’re friend pulls you away. ‘Don’t look that long, then he is going to think you’re desperate. Your friend stops and looks at a dress in a store. ‘This would look so good on you!’ She says. You walk to her and you’re standing next to her. ‘I can never afford this, it’s
too much money. Besides, I would have no idea where I would wear this to. No one asked me to the dance tonight at school. ‘ And for a minute you just stare at the gorgeous dress behind the window, you sight. ‘Are you coming Laura?’ Your friend asks you. ‘I want to go to the Claire’s before everything is sold out.’ You nod and you walk towards her. When you arrive it’s so busy in there you say to your friend: ‘I’m sorry but I’ll wait outside. It’s way too crowded in there! I’ll get some coffee OK?’ And before you get a proper answer you walk towards the star bucks. It’s busy here, but you’re willing to wait this long for a cup of coffee. As you stand and wait you see the cute boy from before, in the line a few meters in front of you. When you have your coffee you look for him but you can’t find his funny brown hair and brown jacket. You turn around and there he is, just as handsome as before. ‘Hey, my name is Robin. You lost your scarf before, I picked it up for you.’ He says while he healds your scarf in
front of you. 'Thank you!' you say and you put the scarf around your neck. 'Do you want to walk with me?' he asks kindly. 'Sure!' is your answer. Together you walk through the romantic streets of London for a hour. he is so cute and sweet and romantic. He even bought you a cute bear that says 'I Love You' when you push its belly. When you arrive at the store where you saw the beautiful dress before you can't help staring at it again. 'Do you like that dress?' he asks. 'It would look gorgeous on you!' 'I do, I love it but I can't afford it, and I don't have anything to wear it to.' your heads are now close to each other and you can feel his breath on your face. He kisses you unexpected and you kiss him back without hesitation. after standing there for a while he asks you something: do you want to go to the dance with me tonight? ' you say yes and you kiss him again. He pulls you in to the store and buys the dress for you. This day could't get any better.

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