Foto bij K1

Deze heb ik geschreven voor een vriendin :D

your dogs walk beside you on the beach. The wind blows in your face and the sun feels nice and warm. As you walk through the water with your feet you watch your 2 dogs play in the water. You think of a boy in your school, his fluffy hair, his laugh that makes you melt and off course his good taste in fashion.One of your dogs runs away. 'STOP, come back.' you scream. but the dog doesn't stop and you start running after him. When you lost the dog out of your sight, you walk. A few meters in front of you, you see a boy. Wait, isn't that Ruben!?. you think. He comes closer and you see 2 dogs behind him, yours and his. 'Is this your dog?' He asks when he stands in front of you.You nod and say: 'Thank you.' he smiles and says: Your welcome. I'm Ruben!' You knew it! it is him! For a second you just stand and stare into his beautiful brown eyes and then you answer: 'I'm Kim. I go to the same school as you.' He keeps smiling at you. 'Is it OK if join you? we can walk together.' He asks kindly. 'Sure you can!' you answer. As you walk slowly on the wound of the waves you start to like him even more. You talk about your Family's, dogs and hobbies. His big dog jumps on you and you fall over into the water. He reaches out his hand to you and you take it but you pull him into the water to. As you laugh, scream and have fun splashing around in the water it is late and the sun almost goes down. All wet and happy he asks you if he can walk you home. you say yes and slowly you walk to your house. Suddenly he stands still and he holds both of your hands. You look in his eyes, he looks back into yours and for a minute it's quiet. 'Kim I need to tell you something.'He says. 'Since the first day of school this year you caught my eye. I like you very much.' it's quiet again. After you found a proper answer that doesn't involve screaming of happiness you say: I like you to!' You both smile. 'Do you want to be my girlfriend Kim?' He asks when he stands close to you. you can feel his breath on your face 'Yes, off course I do.' You say when you jump in his arms. Before you know it your lips press his. And they live happily ever after.

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