Foto bij 026- Ella & Liam

Liam James Payne

Ik neem Ella nog eens in mijn armen. Ze is al snikkend in slaap gevallen. Het raakt haar echt diep dat Niall zo doet. Ik snap hem ook niet. Hij was enthousiast dat hij ze ging ontmoeten, tot we op haar stonden te wachten aan het vliegveld. Ze slaapt nog. Ik druk een zoen op haar haar en sluit mijn ogen. Al gauw val ik weer in slaap. Piekerend.
Ik word wakker door een fel licht en een vrolijke ‘Goodmorning!’. Ik open mijn ogen en kijk recht in die van Ella. Ze geeft me een zoen en trekt me uit bed. ‘You have to go to the studio. I called Elouise. We are going to lunch together.’ ‘I have a free afternoon…’ ‘Oh, sorry Liam. I didn’t know that. I can’t call her.’ ‘No go, I will go to Niall. I want to talk to him.’ ‘Okay, I love you!’ ‘I love you too.’ Ze gaat naar de keuken en maakt een ontbijtje klaar. ‘How late is it?’ vraag ik nog slaperig. ‘8 o’clock. You still have an hour.’ ‘Okay, then I’ll go home to change.’ ‘Why don’t you bring some clothes to here? For the nights you stay.’ ‘That’s a good idea. I’ll do that tonight.’ ‘Okay. But I have to go.’ ‘Isn’t it too early for a lunch?’ ‘I don’t go to Elouise. I’ll go to Molly and her parents. Tomorrow I start working in the store.’ ‘Okay, you know I have a free day the day after tomorrow?’ ‘No, but I will ask it. Bye!’ ‘Bye, hun.’ ‘Don’t forget to close the door when you leave.’ ‘Okay.’ Ik krijg nog een zoen en dan is ze weg. Ik ruim de keuken op en vertrek naar huis.
‘Hi Niall, are we going to lunch together?’ val ik maar meteen met de deur in huis. ‘Is Ella going to be there?’ ‘No, she goes to a friend.’ ‘Okay, Nando’s?’ ‘If you want.’ ‘Nando’s it is!’ Hij is meteen enthousiast en vrolijk. Zoals ik hem ken. De dag gaat vlot aangezien we maar een halve dag hebben en dat iedereen plezier heeft.

Ella Claire Vanberghe

‘Elouise! How are you?’ roep ik als ik ze zie zitten. Ik geef ze een knuffel. ‘Hi Ella, I’m fine and you?’ ‘It could be worse. Better then yesterday.’ ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘Yesterday was hard.’ ‘Sit down. What happened?’ ‘Well, Niall, the blonde Irish one in the group, ignores me and I asked him yesterday what’s wrong.’ ‘And what did he say?’ ‘That I have to leave him alone.’ ‘And what did Liam?’ ‘He’s now with him. They have to talk. But I’m not here to be sad.’ ‘That’s right. Did you hear something from your friend in Belgium?’ ‘Yes, I got a letter. That everything is all right and that she misses me.’ ‘I can believe her. You’re a really nice girl, Ella.’ ‘Thank you, Elouise. You too.’ ‘Thanks.’ ‘Do you mind I call with Liam first?’ ‘No, of course not. Go ahead!’ ‘Thank you, you’re an angel.’ Ik neem mijn gsm en typ Liam’s nummer in. Hij weet nog niets van mijn werkregeling.

- Hi hun, how are you?
• Hi Liam. I’m fine. I call to say that I have to work tomorrow and the day you are free, I’m free too. But the three days after that I have to work. The whole day.
- Okay, how is it by Elouise?
• Really good. She’s such a nice girl.
- I’m happy you enjoy it.
• How is it by Niall?
- He isn’t here yet. I’m too early.
• Typical. But I have to go. I miss you.
- I miss you too. Bye!
• Bye.

‘Even I’ve never seen you together, I think you’re a cute couple.’ ‘Thank you.’ ‘Almost forgotten, I’ve seen you together, on the TV.’ ‘Well, I will invited you once for an evening so you can meet him. And maybe the boys. They are so sweet. Harry is my best friend. He’s loyal, funny, sweet, nice … . Louis is really funny. I always have to laugh when I’m with him. And Zayn is mysterious but really nice. Maybe I can introduce you to Eleanor too. She’s Louis’ girlfriend. In the beginning she’s a bit shy, but not for long. She has a beautiful fashion. You can talk with her about everything and she listens to everything you say. But if you go shopping with her, you buy more than you want.’ ‘They all sounds very nice. I would love to meet them.’ ‘You still remember who’s who?’ ‘Yes, I guess.’ ‘Wait, I have pictures on my phone. Here’s one of Liam and me.’ ‘Wow, you are so cute!’ ‘And this is Harry and me.’ ‘Wow, Harry is the cutie with green eyes and brown curls.’ ‘Yes, and this is Zayn.’ ‘He’s quiet, sexy and mysterious.’ ‘Do you see that on that picture or are you secretly a directioner?’ ‘I have to be honest, since we met I follow thing with One Direction and I saw some pictures with that on.’ ‘Oh, and this is Louis with Eleanor.’ ‘That’s a cute couple too. She is really beautiful.’ ‘I know, right.’ ‘And you don’t have a picture of you and Niall?’ ‘No, because he ign….’ Oh i just wanna take you anywhere that you like. We could go out any day and night. ‘Sorry, that’s my phone.’

- Hi, with Ella.
• Hi Ella. It’s Harry.
- Harry! How are you?
• Good. And you?
- I’m fine thanks.
• Do you want to go drink something with me? Liam is with Niall, so..
- I know, but I’m not home.
• Ow, okay.
- I’m with Elouise. A girl I met yesterday.
• You make a lot of friends.
- I know, but you can come too.
• But Elouise then?
- You can meet her. She’s really nice.
• Okay, I can’t say no to my best friend.
- I’ll text you the details.
• Okay, see you soon.
- Bye.

Ik stuur hem vlug een sms’je en vraag aan Elouise of ze het niet erg vindt. ‘Of course not, I want to meet him. After all you said.’ ‘You will like him, trust me.’

Reageer (3)

  • StylesEyes


    1 decennium geleden
  • LeLouisx3

    Elouis gaat zeker iets krijgen met Hazza

    1 decennium geleden
  • AnkePayne

    oooow please snelverder :)

    1 decennium geleden

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