Foto bij hoofdstukk 34

After a halve an hour they arrive at Rowen’s adoption parent’s house. When they ring the bell it’s Clair, Rowen’s adoption mother, who opens the door
‘Rowen! Ik heb je gemist!’, she said, and she hugged Rowen
‘Ik jou ook, mama, maar kan je nu in het Engels praten, alsjeblieft’
‘Oh, ja sorry’, she says, ‘so, are those the five boys and the one girl?’
‘What do you think for yourself?’, Rowen says while the boys are giggling
‘Sorry, stupid question’
‘Good you know’, Rowen says sarcastic, ‘This is Louis, my best friend, this is Niall, my food-friend, this is Zayn, the one I can talk about your look, this is Liam, my brother, this is Harry, my boyfriend, and the girl over there is Eleanor, my best girly friend’, Rowen proposes to her mother while she pointed at everyone
‘C’mon in, guys’, Clair says while she opens the door to the living room
‘Meredith is upstairs. She doesn’t know you’re coming’, she whispers in Rowen’s ear. Rowen jumps up (how that is even possible, because she was already standing up) and runs upstairs to her adoption sister. She flings the door open and shouts very loud: ‘Meredith, I’ve missed you!’. Meredith scares, realizes what happens and runs to Rowen to hug her
‘OMG! Couldn’t you tell me you were coming?! I would tidied up my room!’
‘Yes, I better did’. They scream and hug each other again
‘I have a surprise for you!’, Rowen says when they’re quiet
‘It’s downstairs’, Rowen says and she takes Meredith’s hand, and they walk downstairs together. When Rowen opens the door, and they could see One Direction sitting in the coach, Meredith is amazed, and she held her hand for her mouth
‘It’s One Direction’, she whispered
‘C’mon in’, Rowen says, and she pushes Meredith in the living room
‘You must be… Liza’, Louis guesses
‘No’, Rowen says
‘Kirsten?’, Liam guesses
‘Is she one of girls who came to Great Britain?’, Niall asks
‘Yes’, Rowen answers
‘Is it Lo… what was her name?... Lona?’, Louis asks
‘It’s Loni, and now it’s not her’, Liam says
‘C’mon, guys, only one left’, Rowen says
‘I don’t know’, Louis gives up
‘Give us a tip’, Niall says
‘It starts with an “M” ’, Rowen says
‘M…. Me,….. Ma….’, Niall tries, ‘M… give us another tip’
‘ME’, Rowen says
‘Me…’, Niall is guessing
‘Mere… and something’, Zayn says
‘Yes’, Rowen says, ‘but what’s the rest?’
‘Mere… Merel…. I don’t know’, Niall says
‘You can say it’, Liam says
‘Mered… she will tell it herself’, Rowen says
‘Why?’, she asks very quiet
‘So you would say something’
‘Meredith’, she says to the boys
‘Oh, right!’, the boys all remember, ‘Meredith!’

Reageer (3)

  • AnkePayne


    1 decennium geleden
  • LoverOfTheRain

    Liam <3 He knows me to well!! OMG!!!! Bere, bere, bere sjiek stukje!!!!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Merry10002Xx


    1 decennium geleden

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