Foto bij Chased: Seven.

Title: Chased.
Author: dominicjames
Rating: PG
Pairing: We'll see what'll happen.
Summary: Dom gets attacked by an obsessed fan, because of the shock he 'accidentally' kills the man/fan. Police starts to chase him and slowly he loses his friends because of not telling the truth and behaving differently than he would usually do.
Disclaimer: I do not own MUSE, that would be ridiculous. You can't own a living person, right?
Feedback: I would really appreciate it!
Warnings: None.
Author's note: I know that for me this is a weird time to be posting a new entry. But I will explain you. I caught a cold a few days ago, maybe one and a half week ago and it's getting worse and worse. I even think I've got pertussis now, because if I get the original cough-attac I can't breathe and I can't stop unless someone gives me water, it sounds weird, yup I know, but I want to be honest with you guys. I'm not sleeping this night, because I'm scared to die because of last night, where I got this attack and was unable to breathe! I nearly choked to death, but my girlfriend saved me by calling my parents who gave me water. Ten minutes ago (For now I'm writing this) I got an attack again, but my girlfriend is asleep behind me, so I nearly died again, and I'm not exeggerating this is bloody serious... So, I'm sorry if there are some typing faults in this, but that means I got such an attack again... I'm sorry...

Current Mood: Annoyed
Current Music: Panic Station by Muse

Deze story is niet geschikt voor alle leeftijden. Daarom is deze alleen te lezen als je bent ingelogd. Zo houden we leuk voor alle bezoekers.

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