Foto bij Olesya

I was awoken by the head nurse again like every day. “what do you remember Olesya?” it had become a regular thing for as long as I could remember. I had been locket in the asylum since as long as I remembered as well. “what do you want me to remember?” I asked her. Every day the same question and answer game. She smiled and left. But she would be back with sedatives to make me fuzzy. 20 minutes later the only male nurse in the team came in to my room to bring me breakfast. As always he sat down on my bed. “do you remember what I told you?” he asked. I nodded. “ you told me that there is some one in this town that loves me.” I said, “yes he is hard to find I have no idea who he is but once I do ill go to him and tell him you are here ore send some one to get you and tell you to find him.” he said. his name was Quasimoto and he visited me every day telling story’s of the out side world. Something I didn’t remember ever seeing the world outside of my cell.
One day he came in looking exited. “there is a new girl in town I think she will break the curse.” he said exited. “so someone new came that isn't that special.” I said.”are you kidding Belle? No one ever comes to Storybrooke.” he said. He had told me ages ago how we were all people that for this world as he called it. Out of books. And he said the people outside of story brook called us fairytale characters. He was a bit strange but at least he was company. “but why doesn’t any one come in to Storybrooke?” I asked. “because only people like us can ore snow and Charmings daughter. I think she came Bell.” he said he always called me belle, at first I would correct him than saying my name was Olesya french. But after a while I just went with it. If he insisted in calling me Belle well than he just could. “i think I found him.” he also said. “found who?” I asked. “the one that loves you, I think he is some one called Mr Gold but I am not totally shore, but I will find out if it is him. And if it is. I will get him here to get you out.” I looked at Quasimoto. “why would he be allowed to take me away?” I asked. “simple your true love kind of well scares the crap out of the whole of Storybrooke.
It made me smile. “why does he?” I asked just going along I needed the company. “well he used to be cursed and be kind of evil no one really knows really juts just say you like bad boys.” he said laughing “Dean.” the matron screamed. “i got to go.” he said and he ran out of my room. And yet again I was alone. Not much later the matron came in to my room. “Olesya we need to talk.” she said and she sat down on my bed. “Dean is feeding you nice story,s but you shouldn’t believe them.” she said. “that is just a way to keep you calm.” she said. Some how I doubted that was the truth.
She shot me with sedatives and I fell asleep soon after. It seemed like just a few minutes what this man barged in. “get up.” he said, and he gave me a red coat. “who are you? Why are you doing this?” I asked. I heard screams up stairs. “i am Jefferson and I need you to do something I cant. You have to find Mr gold and tell him Regina locked you up.” he said i was still fuzzy fro the sedative. “what?” I asked trying to take it all in. “its important Mr gold will protect you.” he said. “do you understand?” I looked at this strange man. “I must find mister gold?” I said questioning. “yes and?” he asked. “tell him Regina locked me up.” I answered him.“ perfect, now go.” he said as he softly pushed me out of my room. I ran to the stairs. The matron laid sleeping ore knocked out on her desk I didn’t care ether way. I went upstairs and found myself in a hospital. That was buzzing and in chaos. “if he dies who do we have to call sheriff Swan ore Mayor Mills?” one of the nurses asked. I didn’t stay and listened I had to find his Mr gold. It was the second time I heard his name. First from Quasimoto and now from this Jefferson man. Where did I have to start? I didn’t even know what this man looked like. After I wondered aimlessly trough the sleepy little town. Looking at windows and name tags on houses. I passed a place called granny,s but I didn’t seem to have any luck. Until I saw a shop sign that said 'Mr gold pawn shop.' at least I found this mans shop. I begged in my head that it was opened ore that I could at least get in the door said Closed. But when I pushed on the door it opened. I stepped in side. When I closed the door I heard a bell that was on the door. I passed the front of the store till I reached a door that lead to the back. I crossed the curtain. I saw a man that tried to hide a golden egg. “excuse me are you Mr Gold?” I asked. If it was he had a nice head of hair I'll give him that. “yes I am but I am afraid were closed.” he said turning to me. He looked at me as if he had seen a ghost. “i was told to find you and tell you Regina locked me up.” I said fulfilling Jefferson’s orders. Mr gold didn’t say anything just came over to me using a cane for support. “does that mean anything to you?” I asked. Again he didn’t say a thing he touched my shoulder and softly squeezed it. “you’re real,you’re alive.” he said near tears. “she did this to you?” he asked. I didn’t get any thing but he seemed to be amazed by the fact I was standing in front of him. What had this man meant to me? “i was told you would protect me.” I said. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. “ oh yes.” he said as he embraced me. “yes I'll protect you.” it felt like way more than a friendly embrace. “do I know you?” I asked. He looked at me again with a single tear rolling over his cheeks. “no.” he said. “but you will.” he added and he took my hand. “come with me.” he said and took me to the forest of the sleepy little town. He didn’t look scary. Why would Quasimoto say the scared the whole town? In the forest he walked out in front of me. a strange color wave passed trough me. I suddenly remembered. I remembered being belle. I remembered him. “wait.” I said. “no were almost there.” he said. “Rumplestilskin wait.” I said. It had the desired effect he stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me. “i remember.” I said going to him. “I love you.” I added. And I did. I always had and it had never stopped even though I tried denying it even Regina,s curse and her memory erasing hadn't changed what I felt for Rumplestilskin. “yes.” he said as he hugged me close to him. “yes. And I love you to.” he said. My heart jumped. I knew he did by the way he had protected me. But he had never said it. He put his hand on my cheek. “but there will be time for that, there will be time for everything. But there is something I must do first.” he said as he walked slowly away from me. I followed him. I had 2 lives in my head the one in the enchanted forest and the one of being a captive in Storybrooke but one thing never changed my feelings for him. We reached a well. and he dropped a purple potion in to it.
A purple mist came out of it. “what is happening?” I asked. “this is a world without magic and I’m bringing it. Magic is coming.” he said. “why?” I asked him. “because magic is power” he said. After the purple smoke cleared he took my hand. “my darling Belle. Tell me what happened to you?” he asked me. “i was captured.”i said. “Regina.” Rumple said in anger. I nodded. “she locket me in her tower till her curse and I have been in the asylum ever since.” I said. “and all these years you’ve been here. Alive.” he said I nodded again. “you seem angry that I am alive.” I said. “No Belle. no I am so happy you are alive. I love you so much.” he said hugging me. “but I was told you had died.” he added. “that is why.” I started saying “that is why what Belle?” he asked. “ I understand now why you thought you were hallucinating in you’re cell back home.” he looked at me. “so you were in my cell.” he said. I smiled at him and took his hands. “of course you thought you had lost you’re mind.” he stroked my hair. “one day she will pay for what she did to you.” he said, “is that why you brought back magic for revenge?” I asked. “oh no, but it might come in handy.” he said. “no. no.” I said trying to calm him. “i cant let this stand Belle. I will not let this stand.” he answered. “look.” I said taking his hand again. “don’t let you’re hate drive you. Promise me you wont kill her.” I said. He looked hesitant. “promise me,and we can be together.” I said. If that didn’t convince him he didn’t love me as much as he said he did. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. “oh sweet heart.” he said. Placing his hand on my cheek. My heart racing insane by his touch. “i promise.” he said and than he finally kissed me. I placed my head on his shoulder as we held each other closer than we ever did before. But Papa always thought me. That every sunshiny day will be followed by dark clouds if we let them.

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