Foto bij Seeing him again

Here I was again on my way back to the dark castle. I had to fight for him for I knew he had good in his heart. I knew he loved me. As I loved him and I would for ever. Walking in to the village again every one was looking at me. “what is every one staring at?” I asked. But no one talked me. I walked up to the path that would take me to the dark castle. It looked different to me. The lands weren’t kept neatly. Rumpelstilskin always took pride in magically keeping an eye on his grounds. So they were nearly flawless. What had happened? When I reached the castle all the lights were out.
It was near night fall and he would have lights burning. Fear gripped my heart what if he was dead? I started running when I reached the door it looked as if it had been UN opened for quite some time. I opened the doors and went in side to the main room. Layers of dust were on every one of his belongings. But my attention was drawn to his Favorite pedestal. There used to be a golden cup on it he had made himself. Bu in stead of it there was my chipped cup .in it rolled up and bound with a golden thread was a piece of paper. I took it out and unrolled it. He had wrote a letter on it.


I know you will never read this.
Since you left I felt more alone than I ever have before you came
I will never see you again. Serves me right.
After you took your own life I felt like I a part of me died with you
and I had to amid it also to you
I love you.
And though you will never read this
I thought you should know how I feel.
I will for ever love you.
they say I have it all.
But the truth is
I have nothing without you.
You’re necklace at least gives me some comfort
That you may rest in peace and find the love up there.
That I feel for you but could never give.

a tear fell on to the paper. That was how I noticed I was crying. He thought I died. I re read the note. He mentioned my necklace. I felt around my neck noticing for the first time the necklace he had given me was gone. So he had that. i figured. But where was he? I wondered. I left the castle again taking his letter with me. I was right all along he did love me. I went back in to town. Some one had to know something. For hours I asked every one but no one seemed to know where he is.
“he is captured.” I heard a man say. “he was to dangerous to be free.” he said. “where is he?” I asked. “he is in the mines near snow and James castle. but you will never get there.” he said. “you just watch me.”i said to him. “the best you can do is forget he lived and move on, he was a monster to begin with. He said. I caught a glimpse of something silver on his hand. Ore was that his hand? Somehow he seemed familiar. “he isn’t a monster.” I said. I knew now where he was I was going to find him. It took me 3 days to reach the kingdom of Snow and Prince James. Now all I had to do was find the old mines. Again I was asking around an searching but no one wanted to help the strange girl that was asking for where Rumplestilskin was held. I started to lose all hope until a hooded figure came to me. “i will bring you to him.” this figure said. “just don’t stay to long.” I nodded. All I wanted was to see him again. Assuming. The figure gave me a same black hooded cloak and commanded me to put it on. And I was lead to the mines. “here I will leave you alone don’t let him see your face and don’t give him your name he will have power over you if he does. I nodded. Why would he try any thing with me. I ran as fast as I could to where the jail cell was supposed to be. There he was. Sitting all by himself on a stone floor. My heart felt for him. And yet it was still racing by the sight of him. I guess he noticed some one was near. He got up and came to the bars.
“who have we got here than huh?” he said sounding slightly mad. “show me. You have nothing to fear. I cant hurt you dearie.” he sounded not himself as if he had lost his mind. I made my way over to him. “no one comes this close to me dearie you do know what I can do.” he said laughing strangely. I felt for him so bad. i took of my cloak. “Belle.” was all he said. And he fell on to his knees. “no, don’t hurt yourself.” I said going up to the bars. “have I truly lost my mind?” he asked. “no.” I said taking his hands. “i am here. Tears came in to his eyes. “i lost my mind you are dead Belle. But for now I don’t mind.” he said crying. “ I longed to see you.” he said. He thought I was an hallucination I figured. “Rumple I’m here.” I said. But I didn’t seem to convince him I was real. His expression got soft. “you are, in my mind you are.” he said. I decided not to fight his idea of me being an hallucination. “I missed you Belle.” he said touching my face. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He seemed so broken. So sad. “why did they do this to you?” I asked sitting down. “i was to dangerous to be free.” he said as if he had rehearsed the words over and over again. “loneliness makes you do strange things. Even seeing you. “he said laughing strangely. “but I like this way of losing my mind at least I saw you again.” he said. My eye was caught by what he was wearing around his neck. He was wearing the necklace he had given me. I heard a door open. “i have to go.” I said and I ran away. Looking back one more time before I passed the corner. “of course you do.” he said crying. “some one is coming you cant stay for that no one would see you any way.” he said laughing strangely again. I saw the women I had met pass me by she didn’t seem to see me.
“who are you talking to?” she asked. “no one.” he said. “no one you would see that is dearie.” he said laughing that strange crazy laugh again. “oh my Rumple. I need that curse.” he laughed again.” you wont get it.” he said. “you turned her against me you are going to suffer like I did, you’re majesty. “he said. Was she the queen? After trying to get a curse she left angry. Rumple fell onto the floor again. He laid down on to the floor. “i liked losing my mind more when I saw you.” he said. I waited till he fell asleep and i went back to his cell. Carefully slipping my chipped cup trough the bars. “sleep well Rumplestilskin.” I whispered and I left the mines. His words lingering in my head. “i longed to see you Belle, at least I got to see you again.” those words haunted me all the way out of the mines. Why did he think I was dead. How could he think I was an hallucination if he could touch me? I didn’t understand any of it. Out side of the mines I was grabbed. “did he see you?” the queen asked. “what?” I said. “ did he see you?” she asked again. “yes.” I said. “stupid girl you cost me my leverage you should have stayed away.” she said. “don’t worry majesty.” the hooded figure said. “he thinks she was a hallucination fed by his own insanity.” he said. “i need that curse hunts men.” she said. “take her we cant risk her going to him again.” she said. A moment later i was thrown in a wagon with bars. “i will get him out of there I will fight for him, I will always fight for him.” I screamed at her. Even though with how he lost his mind I doubted if I could fight for him.
But I would try. I would never give up trying. I was thrown in to a tower. Again locket up. But this time I knew I would never leave. I would die here. ore be used as leverage to get Rumplestilskin to do what ever they wanted him to do. Maybe I was better of dead. At least they couldn’t use me to get to him than. Still hearing what he said to me in my head. He had looked so vulnerable. What had I done to him? And what was that curse the queen talked about?

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