Foto bij Can pretending heal my broken heart

I opened my eyes. I was still alive. A moment later I felt a matras and the warm covers of a bed.. where was I? How did I get here? I looked around an unfamiliar room. “she is awake.” I heard a man say. “it was a close one miss you almost died.” he said. I tried to sit up but I felt to weak. “don’t try. My girl will fetch you new herbs soon.” he said. “Pocahontas.” I heard him call. I heard a muffled conversation and than I heard foot steps leading to me. “what is you’re name?” the man asked. He helped me in to a sitting position now I saw whom was talking to me it was a soldier with half long blonde hair and blue eyes. “Belle.” I said hardly audible. “drink something than try again.” he said he gave me some water. “Belle.” I said louder. “ well hello Belle I am John, John Smith.” a beautiful Indian women stepped in the room bowing. She held what looked like a soup bowl. “this is Pocahontas.” John explained. “ is she well again John?” she asked him. “not yet but she will become well now.” she turned to me. “drink the herbs they will make yo feel better. She said. “you have been sleeping for 6 days.” she said. The way she said things made me think she didn’t speak English for a long time. “thank you.” I said she sat down on my bed. “women with strong heart like you’re own, mostly have a strong love.” she said. I smiled trying not to show hos hurt I was. Why was my heart still beating? Why was I still alive? “in your fever you were often screaming a name.”
John said. “you say a lot of things in your fever I suppose.” I said. Knowing who I probably screamed for. “you kept repeating the name. Rumplestilskin.” he said. It gave a blow to my heart hearing his name. I smiled. “Why would you call for the dark one?” he asked. “that is complicated.” I said. I hoped that he would leave it at that. “you seen a different way of this monster.” Pocahontas said. “ he is not a monster.” I said out of instinct. “you see good?” she said. “you have power.” she said. I didn’t understand her. “you have power to see good in someone when they do not see it themselves.” she said explaining herself. I nodded. “ I don’t know if I see it in every one I did see it in him.” Pocahontas looked at me. “you love him?” she asked. I nodded as tears filled my eyes again. She apologized for making me cry and left me alone taking John with her. A few days later I was strong enough to go. I thanks this nice couple and left. After a 4 days journey I returned to the village. Once again I looked to the direction of the dark castle. My heart feeling like a stone once more. I went to the pub. I met a dwarf there named Dreamy. I encouraged him to go after his true love. I may not have it. But that didn’t mean he shouldn’t. The nice care taker gave me a room above the pub. I looked at the castle before I went to sleep. I saw a figure in front of the window in the tower. Knowing that was him my heart started racing. How much I loved him still. Crying I closed the window and fell asleep. To the world I might have been able to hide my feelings but to myself I never could. The next evening there were men talking about defeating a mighty beast. I was tempted to go but also afraid. Dreamy came back in to thank me and offer me advise this time..
“get on that wagon.” he said. After a few minutes considering I agreed and followed the men.
After having to endure teases and bickering from the men they had pushed me off the wagon. Even they didn’t see me as worthy. Maybe I wasn’t. After a failed attempt to slay this mighty fire wolf I met Mulan. A strong mighty women that had saved me from being eaten by it. We teamed up to defeat it together. How ever she got hurt by the men that had cast me out of there hunting party. Trying to protect me. I had to defeat this beast. So here I was running from a mighty creature. What did I like about putting myself in jeopardy? I wondered. I knew I was to weak to fight him on my own. I looked around town. And I saw a water main running. Fire could be put out by water I knew. So I gave it a try and in deed I could fight this beast this way. But what was he doing now? He was writing in the wet sand. 'help' he wrote in Chinese lettering. I remembered I had been presented by some fairy dust by Dreamy I sprinkled the fairy dust on this creature and he turned in to a man. Philip he called himself. I took him to aid the wounded Mulan and bid them farewell for she had thought me one thing. “if you find something worth fighting for you never give up.” in my heart I knew what to do. I had to fight for Rumplestilskin. For I knew I could never forget him.
“you’re not coming?.” Mulan asked. “no I have an other beast to face.” I said and I turned around being shore I would see him again.

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