Foto bij maybe some curses cant be broken

I walked slowly to the dark castle. My eye was caught by a flicker of light. It seemed like I had seen some one darting away but I wasn’t shore. I walked past the window that showed the main room. I saw him sitting at his spinning wheel. My heart raced at just the sight of him. Serena was right I loved him. I passed the doors in to the main hall. “you’re back already.” he said looking up from his spinning wheel. “good. Good thing I’m nearly out of straw.” he said. I decided to tease him a little bit and at the same time test him. “come on.” I said putting my basket down. “your happy that I'm back.” I said. He looked at me with a strange look in his eyes. “i am not unhappy.” he said. It was his way of making something positive sound less positive. It made me smile a bit. “you promised me a story.” I said putting my hands on his shoulders. He shivered a bit by my touch. Not shore what it meant I looked at him. “did?” “hmm hmm.” I said taking the spindle from him and sitting down beside him on his spinning wheel. “tell me about your son.” I said. “eh I lost him nothing more to tell really.” he said typical Rumplestilskin. He wasn’t what you call some one that was open about his feelings. I wasn’t about to make it easy on him to hide them from me. “so since than you loved no one, and no one's loved you?” I said sounding a bit more sentimental than I had intended. “why did you come back?” he asked me leaning closer to me. You could cut the tension between us with a knife. It had to be a sharp knife probably that was how thick the tension was. “i wasn’t going to, but something changed my mind.” I said. Feeding the tension until it was unbearable ad I kissed him. To my surprise and delight he returned the kiss. When I looked at him he was changing his inhuman eyes turned to deep warm brown. His skin color went from brown greenish to rosy. I smiled. “kiss me again, its working.” I said. “what is?” he asked having a warm deep voice. “any curse can be broken.” I said. At that point Rumplestilskin kicked his seat back and stood up the changes in him undone suddenly. “who told you that? Who knows that?” he asked. “i don’t know she.” I said unable to say more. “she?” he said. “you evil soul.” he screamed as he turned away from me pulling one of the covers of a mirror. “this was you, you turned her against me, you think you can make me weak you think you can defeat me?.” I didn’t understand who was he talking to himself? “who are you talking to?” I asked standing up. “the queen, you’re friend the queen.” he said high pitched. “the queen?” I asked I didn’t even know I had met her. “how did she get to you? Ore is this all you?” he said. “o being the hero and killing the beast?” I tried to calm him by taking his hands. “but it was working.” I said. “shut up.” he bit at me. “this means its true love.” I said. “shut the hell up.” he screamed. “why wont you believe me?” I asked him. At that he grabbed me. “ because no one no one can ever love me.” I realized than he had thought I was put up to it. Thinking no one could love him for he was a monster. A monster I didn’t see. But if you are called that every day I suppose you start believing it your self after a while. He took me to the dungeon where he had first kept me and pushed me in to the cell it made me fall over. When he closed the door my emotions got the best of me. And i started crying like a little girl. I heard muffled screaming upstairs. He was probably yelling at the mirror again. I figured . I must have been sleeping for I awoke by the sound of the door opening. I sat up to see Rumplestilskin entering. “so what are you going to do to me?” I asked afraid he would hurt me. “go.” was all he said. For the first time I saw pain in his eyes. “go?” I asked him. “i don’t want you any more dearie.” he said something he hadn't called me in months. I stood up straightened my skirt and walked away. Pausing at the door. I wanted to give him one more chance. I walked back and looked him in the eyes. “you were freeing your self. You could have happiness if you just believed that some one could want you. But you couldn’t take the chance.” I said to him nearly crying. But I wanted to be strong. “that’s a lie.”he said. I saw in his eyes I added to his pain. Seeing that broke my heart. But I had to pull trough now”your a coward Rumplestilskin. And no matter how thick you make your skin that wont change.” I said.
“i am not a coward its quite simple dearie. My power means more to me than you.” he said. Seeing his eyes I knew he was lieing to me. But I didn’t want to ad more to his pain than I already did.
“no it doesn’t. You just don’t think I can love you.” I said hearing my voice break with sadness. “now you made you’re choice, and you’re going to regret it for ever.” I added on the verge of tears. “all you have is an empty heart and a chipped cup.” was the last thing I said to him before I left. Him standing in the cell. I passed the main room. It looked like a huge battle was fought all the glass in the closet was shattered and all the tea cups seemed to be smashed and laying broken on the floor near a wall. That’s what I heard I thought. Him breaking down his own house. I grabbed my cloak and left. I wanted to go home at least my dad would want to see me. After I reached the end of the path that leads up to the dark castle my emotions got the best of me yet again. Tears blinding me I walked aimless trough the forest. Soon I was lost. And if things couldn’t get any worse it started pouring rain. Within a matter of seconds my cloak and dress were soaking wet. After a while I got so tired due to my broken heart ad walking around in wet clothing trying to stay warm I sat down on a fallen tree. I was shivering all over my body. Where was I? Whee should I go? Hoping some one would pass me by I waited and waited but no one ever passed me. I don’t know how long I was sleeping ore out cold but I opened my eyes and I found myself on the ground. Still soaking wet and the rain was still pouring. I got up. “well I guess I'll go left.” I said and I started my journey to find some one any one that could tell me how to get home. After a few hours of walking I fell to the floor. I was so cold. I was shore I would die here. My tears found a foot hold again and started raining down my face as fast as the rain itself did. I would die without seeing my father again. Without seeing Rumplestilskin one more time. Putting my wet cloak around me hoping it would warm me up just a bit I decided to welcome death. Maybe my destiny was to show my beloved Rumplestilskin that he could be saved and was I no longer needed. “farewell my love.” I said imagining he could hear it. I saw the darkness setting in. assuming that would be the last thing I would see.

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