After breakfast we were both in the great room. I had done all my chores for today yesterday already cause Rumpelstilskin had been gone for that entire day. So I was looking around a bit.
He was pouring himself a cup of tea in my chipped cup. “why did you want me here?” I asked him. “the place was filthy.” he said. I learned in the months I had been here that that was typical him. Saying something casual. “i think you were lonely.” I said. “any man would be lonely.” I added sitting down on the table. “ I am not a man.” he said as he sat down beside me. I decided to change the subject cause somehow he seemed a bit hurt. “so I had a couple of months to look around.” I said. He looked at me. “up stairs I found some clothes,small. As is for a child. Are they yours ore was there a son?” I asked him. He looked down to the floor .”there was, there was a son. I lost him as I did his mother.” I felt for him. He seemed to have have lost a lot and all every one ells saw was an evil man. I saw good in him. I knew there was good left in him. “so you were a man once, an ordinary man.” I said. He didn’t react to it. “if I am never going to meet an other person cant I at least know you?” I asked him. “perhaps.” he said as he got up. “but perhaps you want to know the monsters weaknesses.” he said. I looked at him. I didn’t see the monster he said himself to be. “you are not a monster, you think you’re uglier than you are that’s why you cover all the mirrors up isn’t it.”i said to him letting myself go. “but tell me about you’re son.” he sat down again. Not for long though a few seconds later we heard a knock at the door. He felt silent for a few seconds and said. “i will get it.” and he left. A few minutes later he came back. “who was that?” I asked trying to get him to open up to me. “just an old lady selling flowers.'' he said and he held out a gorges rose. “here, if you'll have it.” I smiled at him. “why thank you.” I said to him taking it. i went trough the room to get every thing I needed to put the rose in a vase “you had a life Belle. Before this.” he said moving his hand around. “what made you decide to come here. “heroism.” I said getting the vase out of the closet. “ sacrifice, there not a lot of opportunities for women in this land to show what they can do.” I said as I walked back to the table. “i figured if I’d do the brave thing than bravery would follow.” I answered as I cut the rose put it in a vase and put it in the middle of the table. He was sitting in his chair in front of the table as he was seemingly drinking me in. “and was it everything you hoped?” he said “i did want to see the world that part didn’t really work out.” I said.” and what about you're betroved?” he asked. “ it was an arranged marriage.” I sat sitting down on the table again. “honestly I didn’t feel much for Gaston. To me love is layered, its a mystery to be uncovered, I could never give my heart to someone as superficial as him.” I said. A slight sparkle appeared in his eyes I didn’t quite understand. “but you were going to tell me a story.” I said. He put his fingers together so they were like a pyramid. “i tell yo what.” he said looking me in my eyes. “ill make you a little deal, go into town and fetch me some straw. When you return I,ll share my tale.” he said. I looked at him, “town? You trust me to come back?” I asked him not really shore that I would trust myself. “oh no.” he said. “o expect I'll never see you again.” he said. So there I was re found my freedom. I reached the town limits carrying a basket. I looked back seeing the dark castle in the distance. My heart made me feel a flicker of doubt. I wanted to go home but somehow I wanted to return to. I decided I would go home. I walked in to the old forest past the queens highway. After a mile ore so I heard horses behind me and cartwheels. I looked behind me and shore enough I was a carriage and 4 horsemen behind me. I ran to the side of the road to let them pass. The carriage stopped in front of me and the door was swung open by a black haired women. “did my Carriage splash you? “ she asked me. “oh no.” I said. “you know what I am tired of riding let me stretch my legs and walk with you for a spell. She said and she got out of the carriage. “you carry very little.”she said. “i don’t want to be slowed down.” I said.
“oh your running from some one. question is master ore lover?” she looked me in the eyes. “oh master and lover.” was it that obvious I fell in love with him? I didn’t answer in stead I thought of an excuse. “you know i might take a rest you go on ahead.” but I guess she wasn’t done talking to me. She placed an arm around me and slowly made me walk along. “so if I am right. You love you’re employer. But you’re leaving him.” she said. Her words hurt me in a way. “i might love him, I mean I could but something evil has taken root in him.” I said “sounds like a curse to me, and all curses can be broken, a kiss born from true love would do it .” she said. How could this women know every thing. “oh child no, I don’t expect a young women to kiss a man that held her captive, besides if he loved you he would have let you go and if he doesn’t love you the kiss wouldn’t even work.” did she just say if he loved me he would let me go? “but he did let me go.” I said still in a daze of her words. Could it be true could he love me to? Was that why he had released me? I was so confused. She rattled on a bit about how there no kiss happened. My head was still spinning of her words 'if he loved you he would have let you go.' “but a kiss, a kiss is enough he'd be a man again?” I asked her. “ an ordinary man.” she said. We walked a few miles up the road. Together. My heart being torn more than ever. Did he love me? Was that why he let me go? Ore had he have enough of my company and did he let me go than? “i forgot something back in town if you would excuse me ma,am.” I said to the women. “of course child, be safe.” she said and she walked on as I returned to town. My heart still torn in two directions. Would I return to Rumplestilskin. Ore should I return home? Returning to the dark castle was a shorter walk. Returning to papa,Gaston and all the others was a day,s journey. But did I really want to return home to marry Gaston? I looked again at the direction of the dark castle. My heart racing at the idea of returning and seeing surprise on Rumplestilskins face. I did really love him didn’t I? Even by thinking of him my heart raced.
I went to buy the straw just in case I decided to return to him. After I bought it I went to the pub we had been in just a few months earlier. Serena was sitting at the bar. I sat down beside her. “Miss Belle, you escaped.” she said over joyed. “he let me go.” I said. She looked me deep in the eyes. “why are you still here than go home.” she said. I pulled up my shoulders. “ I don’t know.” I said. “Miss Belle what ever you do be shore you fully support your own choice.” I smiled at her. Yes that's what I had to do decide with my heart not my head. And my heart screamed to go back to the dark castle. I had to try and see if he felt the same for me didn’t I?

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