Foto bij Chemistry between us

I found myself waking up early. I decided to roam around the castle. It was still dark out side so I took a candle. The nights were still cold but you could see spring was on its way some flowers were already seen. I walked to a part of the castle I hadn't been before I found a wardrobe in a empty room. Curious as I was I opened it. I found clothing that wouldn’t fit any one in this house hold. Smaller clothing. It looked like they could have belonged to a child long ago. They were full of dust and looked very old and even poor. Nothing like the silk leather and other rich fabrics Rumpelstilskin and my clothes were made of. By the neat way these clothing was stacked I knew it meant a lot to him. I put the clothing back in the wardrobe and carefully closed it. Light was peering trough the closed curtains. All curtains were closed in this castle except the once in my room. I took a ladder and went to the main room. Expecting it to be empty I was startled to find Rumplestilskin in the room behind his spinning wheel. He didn’t seem to notice me. I sat down the ladder and climbed up. Looking at him for a few moments. He looked lost in the spinning wheel.
“why do you spin so much?” I asked him. He looked up but didn’t answer. “sorry its just you spun gold in to more straw than you can possibly spend.” I said “ I like to watch the wheel, helps me forget.” he said without looking up from the wheel. “forget what?” I asked since this man held interest for me I wanted to know his secrets not to destroy him with but to get to know him better. He seemed to be thinking for a few seconds.”i guess it worked.” he said accompanied by his cackling laugh. I laughed softly and turned my attention to the drapes and started to pull on them to try and get them open. It seemed to get Rumplestilskins attention. He stood up form his spinning wheel and came over to me. “what are you doing?” he asked. “opening these its almost spring we should let some light in.” I said pulling my hardest balancing with one foot on the ladder. Being unable to I looked at him.”what did you do nail them down?” I asked him. “yes.” he said looking up at me like it was a thing every one was doing. I pulled one more time and the curtains gave way. I tumbled off the ladder following the curtains down. Expecting to feel a painful ore fatal encounter with the floor I braced myself. I stead I felt Rumplestilskins arms. He had caught me. I looked in to his eyes I felt that electrical charge trough my entire body again. I knew now what it had meant all along. I liked him. “thank you.” I said. He had the strangest look in his eyes as he held me. He sighted and let my feet go causing me to have to catch myself. “thank you.”i repeated. “no matter.”he said and he started to walk away “i will put the curtains back up.” I said seeing as they had fallen completely. He turned around to face me. “there is no need. Ill get used to it.” he said and he walked away. I tried to make the feeling of being in his arms linger. I had liked it so much. Some how it seemed that he didn’t mind holding me ether for a moment. I wanted so much to know him better.
I heard a knocking on the door. “ shall I get that?” I asked. Rumplestilskin was silent for a few moments. “yes by all means.” he said. I walked to the main door. It was a huge heavy door. I slowly opened it. “Serena.” I said as I saw whom was in front of the door. It was my child hood caretaker Serena. “Miss Belle how good that you open the door. I am here to safe you come on,” she said.
“no.” I said to her. “But miss Belle.” she aid. “No I wont fled, he isn’t cruel to me, and I chose to go here to safe our village myself.” I said. “ I wont flee, I am better than that.” she looked at me. “you are in love with him.” she said. “ no.” I said maybe I said it a bit to fast and maybe I tried to still convince myself that that wasn’t what I felt for him. “you do.” she said. “what has he done to you what evil spell has he cast?” she said. “ he didn’t cast a spell, Serena he isn’t the monster all you say he is.” I said feeling anger in me I had never felt before. “ I will safe you miss Belle I will tell Gaston about this, and miss Belle.” she said .” what.” I answered maybe a bit to harsh. “ I am sorry what do you wish to say?” she looked at me. “ when he breaks you’re heart. Come to me.” she said and she sped away. I went back in to the main room. How could he break my heart he didn’t feel the same way about me. “who was that Belle?” he asked. “my childhood caretaker thinking I need saving.” he looked at me in the same strange was as he had done when he caught me. “and you didn’t run?” I smiled at his strange expression. “no I made a promise.” I said trying to sound sincere. I hope my voice didn’t tremble. He looked at me like he didn’t believe I wouldn’t run away.
Maybe I didn’t even believe myself I liked him but how long would that last? I dint know all the answers. I did know what I felt now and what I felt now was that I liked him. I sat down on the table thinking about what Serena had said. “are you alright?” Rumpelstilskin asked me. “ I am fine.” I said to him/ but I was lieing I didn't know how to feel around him I felt pretty good. He made me smile but when ever I was alone loneliness gripped my heart. Was what I felt for him due to that I was alone with him in this big castle of was it real. He sat down beside me. I felt goosebumps come all over my body. For the longest moment we just both stared straight ahead.
“are you cold?” I heard Rumple ask me. I guess he saw my goosebumps. “a little.” I said lieing to him. I hated lieing to him but the alternative was admitting to him how I felt. He took his vest of and laid it over my shoulders. There it was again the electric shock I felt every time he touched me.
“i should start dinner,” I said. “no need dearie.” he said as he magically made it appear. “what I had to feed myself one was ore the other before you got here.” he said. I smiled at him.
After dinner I tried to read. But after the 7th failed attempt I sat down beside Rumplestilskin at his spinning wheel. “be careful belle don’t hurt your self.” he said. Pulling me a little closer to him. “you were so close to the spindle you could have seriously hurt yourself, some even never woke up from pricking themselves on a spindle.” he said in a mysterious way. “who?” I asked him. “you hear many things when you are roaming around this land.” he said. I smiled he had a way about him. “i saw you by the fire dearie.” he said. “your checking me out.” I said joking. “of course not.” he said as if I had poked him with the spindle. “i was joking Rumple don’t worry.” I said to him. “are you lonely here Belle?” he asked me out of the blue. “sometimes.” I said to him. “like when?” he asked. “when I am alone.” I looked down. “you haven't been your self since that lady stopped by.” he said to me. “she made me remember happier times.” I said. “you are not happy?” “i don’t know, I don’t know what I am.” I said. I really didn’t know all I knew growing up was that I was a princess and they had to be proper and marry the right man. And when I was about to I escaped an arranged marriage to end up here. Here I got feelings for my master but every one ells didn’t seem to approve of those feelings. They just wanted to 'save' me. I felt Rumplestilskin lift my face up with his finger.
“there is no need to cry.” he said as he wiped away my tears with his free hand and pulled me in to a friendly hug. And again the electrical charge shot trough me intenser than it had ever been. I loved being so close to him. When he stood up he looked at me. The way he did send me shivers down my spine. He looked sad himself. What was happening to me. To both of us?

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