Foto bij the man beneath the monster.

dit is hoofdstuk 3

I woke up by the sound of soft knocking. “can I enter Belle?” he asked. I had found an old duster. So I put it on fast. “Yes come on in.” I said to him. He walked in to the room with a few packages in his arms. “i guess they fear me, this was really fast.” he said smiling. He had a grate smile. I thought o my god what was wrong with me? He put down the parcels. “thank you.” I said. He bowed back “you’re welcome dearie.” it made me smile I opened the biggest box in it was a light blue dress with a white shirt for under it. It had a brown leather line to mach my hair color. Finally I could get out of that golden dress it was not comfortable. I put on the dress it didn’t touch the floor so it would be handier to walk fast in. my attention was pulled by a very small box. Should I open it? I thought.
No I decided first the bigger boxes. I opened the second box in it was a night gown that looked like it was made out of rich fabric. With gold tread worked in it. The third box contained a green cloak that looked grate with my dress. It had a hood for the rain and all. Now I was finally down to the small box. I could hardly contain my curiosity. I opened the black jewelery like box. In it was a beautiful necklace. It was a golden chain with a platinum round pendant I turned it around in my fingers 'Belle.' it said on it with golden letters. I didn’t order that I thought. I took the box with the necklace and went to the main room. “there was a necklace among the boxes Rumplestilskin.” I said giving him the box. “yes that is yours.” he said. As he took it out of the box. “didn’t you like it Belle?” he asked. “ no I love it. Thank you.” he hung it around my neck. “just to say thank you for all you are doing. “thank you so much I will never take this off again.” I said and I hugged him. Did I just do that t thought hug him?. He made me feel so strange when I was around him.
“you don’t need to thank me.”he said he had a strange look in his eyes. “ shall I get you your breakfast?” I asked him. “ no dearie I had some time so I made it myself just waiting for you to come join me.” he said. He acted differently to. What could this mean. What was I feeling.
He didn’t seem evil now he didn’t seem a monster. Just a man. A man I didn’t mind being around him. When I was around Gaston I wanted to get away as soon as I could. But with Rumplestilskin I could sit and read next to him for hours or have a meal. I had to admit to myself that I liked his company. “Belle.” he said. “ tonight there is a party in the town pub the only place I haven't been kicked out of. Would you like to go there with me.” he asked. I looked at him. “why would you ask me.” I said. “you have been doing such a good job on the dark castle that I thought you deserved a night out.” he said. I smiled. “i would like that.” I said. Seeing other people was right up my alley. I felt a bit cut of from the world. So that evening we went to the pub. It was bristling with life and fun. As soon as Rumple and I walked in the crowd silenced. “maybe it wasn’t smart to come.” he said. “why are you here?” the pub keeper asked. “we came to enjoy the party.” I said trying to defuse the tension. “and who are you?” he asked. “i am Belle.” I said. “and who do you think you are telling me off?” he said coming to me. “please I did not come here today to curse ore hurt any one I came here to show Belle a good time.,but if I have to I will hurt whom ever hurts her.” Rumplestilskin said. Again in a crowd he was harsh almost the monster they said he was. But I knew better. In the castle when it was just the two of us he was friendly. Almost human. “fine.” the owner said. “continue.” he added and the musicians started playing again. After a minute ore ten the tension was down. I was allowed to sit at a table with 2 girls. One was wearing a red hood while it was warm inside. Her friend had a snow pale skin red lips and black hair. She introduced herself as Mary. And the girl that was wearing the hood introduced herself as red.”red Mary sound like a drink.” I said teasing them. “hey Mary check out that guys back side.” she said pointing. I followed her gaze. “ are you insane that’s my master.” I said to her. “doesn’t make his back side look any less good.” she said clinking her cup with Mary” I laughed at how alive these girls seemed. I was born a princess of my town. I was to be proper and look pretty and never make a fuss, marry whom I was supposed to marry to strengthen the town. While red and Mary seemed to have had the life I always wanted. Full of fun and love and friends outside of the servants of there parents.
“oh come on Belle you have to admit that you’re masters bottom isn’t bad.” I leaned over to the girls. “you should see him in his full leather pants.” what was I saying? I didn’t just say that about Rumplestilskin to two strange girls. “you got off lucky.” Red said. “what do you mean?” I asked “ you get to stare at that all you want while we.” she pointed at Mary “ have a one time in life opportunity.” she said laughing so hard I thought she would die. I had never had girl friends besides my fathers maid Serena. This was nice although I knew I would never see them again. A moment later I was dragged on to the dance floor by Red and Mary. After a while I looked over to the bar area and saw how Rumplestilskin was sitting by himself. I excused myself from my girl company and went over to him. “you don’t seem to have fun.” I said to him. “today was about you're fun dearie” he said. “thank you, but you should enjoy it to.” he smiled. “oh Belle I am the dark one they don’t trow me out here because here is the only place I don’t make a fuss, they do know who I am and so they fear me.” I sat down next to him. “you promised them you wouldn’t harm any one, so you can have some fun, come dance with me and the girls.” I said. “ come on.” I tried pushing a little. “worse that can happen is that you actually enjoy yourself.” I said. “ oh no we cant have that.” he said blinking at me. I smiled back at him. “come on what have you got to lose? “ I said trying one more time. He sat down his beaker. “fine, but only to do you a favor.” he said as he got up and joined me on the dance floor. “Red, Mary, this is my master.” Mary looked some what fear full. “ The dark one?” she asked. “Hey as long as he can dance he could be the bright pink one for all I care.” Red said and poked her friend laughing. This seemed to raise Rumples spirit a little. The 4 of us danced for a few songs taking turns on trying to trip each other. At one point Rumplestilskin tripped me and I couldn’t hold my balance resulting in him caching me before I would fall on to the floor. The same strange electrical energy I felt before shot trough me again. I didn’t understand me. “o my goodness Miss Belle?” I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to look in to the face of my one childhood friend Serena. “Serena how nice to see you.” I said after Rumplestilskin had let me go.
She came to us and pushed him away from me. “Get away from her.” she said. “No Serena it is OK.” I said trying to re ashore her. “do you know who that is?” she asked me. “yes I do.” I simply answered. “And you actually let him touch you?” she said. “It is fine, he didn’t hurt me.” I said. She turned to Rumplestilskin. “you tripped her.” she said. “Serena pleas we were having some fun with the four of us I tried to trip him like 10 times he is only to fast for me.” I said. She looked at me. “ I shore how you know what you are doing Miss Belle.” I nodded to her. And at that she left. “ I am sorry Rumplestilskin, she used to be the only one that protected me.” I said to him. “No need to apologize dearie I have a reputation she cares about you I understand.” he said. At that note a crew of pirates stumbled in. one was missing a hand and where his hand should have been was a hook.
“ I think we should go Belle.” he said with a strange look in his eyes. I nodded and walked to the door to get our cloaks but I was stopped by the pirate with the hook. “And what do they call you love.” he asked me. “Belle, can I please pass?” I asked him .”Belle lovely name, why don’t you have a drink on me?” he said. “No thank you sir I was just leaving.” I looked at the man. Somehow I didn’t trust this pirate. “That are no manners love, come on join me. You wont regret it.” he said. “The young lady said no.” I heard Rumple say. “you.”the pirate said to him. “I will remain nice if you let the young lady get her things and allow us to leave.” he said. “she is with you?, love he is a monster I can safe you.” he said. “ I am fine,” I said. And I walked out of the crowded pub to get my and rumples cloaks. I saw him and the pirate talk to each other it didn’t look friendly. I sensed there was some history there. When the pirate got up the table he was sitting at and trying to hit Rumplestilskin with a bottle I ran in. “no stop we didn’t come in here to fight. Rumplestilskin we were leaving come on please.” I said handing him his cloak. “your right dearie.” he said and he took it from me. “let,s get out of here.” he said and he walked out in front of me. “Be ware Belle, he is nothing more than a demon.” the pirate said. I ignored his words and followed Rumplestilskin out side silently we returned back home. “ I had a grate time thank you.” I said when we came in. “your welcome Belle. I am sorry you had to meet that man.” he said again as nothing more than almost human at home ore around me he wasn’t a monster I wanted to know him better, if only I knew how he would let me.

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