Hii everyone!

So, I'm going to describe to you, my perfect notday.

Well, woke up this morning around 6 o'clock, freezing my damnated butt of. So I turn around and there's my best friend, hogging all the blankets. Grrr, make a few moaning sounds, feebly attempts to pry back my blanky, but, all in all, no success. So, I crawl of the bed, crawl towards my closet and take out pretty much all of my clothes, spread them on the wooden floor and sleep there.

Then, at 9 I woke up. Again, this time not because I was a ice-cube, oh no, but because my back was aching, grrr, stupid hard floor.

To get revenge on my besty I snuck to the CD-player, turn it on, full blast, and WHAM! She literatly flies out of the bed and starts screaming. So, while she screams her lungs out I start to laugh and rolls around on the floor.

Bladadi, bladada. Morning passes, lunch passes, and once again I find myself lying on the bed staring at the ceiling..

Blablabla, lalala, dinner time, bed time, go to bed.. Now, I have come to the conclusion that today was boring..

That's it for today..Ciao Bella!

Quote of today:
I might get hunted like a beast, but I shall not become one.

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