Noek - McIair:
A single rose can be my garden. A single friend, my world.
Dear, dear Esmee,

First I wanna say, you're perfect. I love every single thing about you and you're just the most amazing, most awesome girl I've ever met. I've no words. But you just so important to me. I remember the first time you 'talked' to me. We were both new here, and I thought you were really, really nice. I told you my secrets, can tell you everything. We're just like Louis and Liam, together we make Lilo. Together we make Mouek. You make me smile when I'm sad, you cheer me up. We can laugh about stupid jokes. About the obsession we share, One Direction. You're my everything, Boo.

Much love,

Letters start with ABC.
Numbers start with 123.
Music starts with DO-RE-MI.
And love starts with you and me.

You make me strong <3
Put your positive pants on, 'cause you leave a little sparkle wherever you go.

Gab - Raeken:
Do you know that feeling? The connection when you meet someone. When you know you found somebody who's gonna be a friend of you. Well, that was my feeling when we first talked. It was such a precious feeling. We had so much in common and you're so nice to me. Let me just say, you're a wonderful person. You basically helped me through today, my difficult day and you helped me so much. I literally can't imagine why a girl I met two weeks ago, decided to do that. But you did it and I'm so happy you did it. I love how you always try to cheer me up, when you feel the need to. And I love it when you send me gifs and I basically just love you. You became important to me in the shortest time ever and I hope, when we meet, our connection will grow even stronger. Because honestly; I don't want to lose you anymore.
I love you so much, Essie. <3

It's so funny that when I hear or see your name, I get this lovely feeling. A feeling that tells me that I'm save. When I talk to you, I feel lovely, I feel save, knowing I can tell you everything if I want to tell you. It's a feeling I don't get with many people and I'm glad you're one of the people who can make me feel like this. You're so lovely, funny, beautiful, cute.. I don't know. I just love you very much and I can't wait to see you next week. I'm so excited for your birthday you know. With all the cuties and you ofcourse! I hope we grow even closer and I hope I'll open up some more, so you'll see the crazy me, you know. You're so lovely to me and I want to thank you for that.
I love you, Essie, you're amazing.

Hey lieve lieve lieve Esmee,
Ik vind het altijd heel erg moeilijk om mijn gevoelens te uiten, tenminste dat vind ik zelf. Toch wil ik het graag doen voor jou, want je verdiend het. Want Essie, je bent een fantastische, lieve, gezellige, verlegen meid. Eentje waar je, ook al ben je een beetje stil, toch heel veel plezier mee kan hebben en hard mee kan lachen. Ik verheug mij er op om je opnieuw te zien en om het weer gezellig met je te hebben, net als een paar weken geleden. En ik verheug me erop om je misschien te zien in Leiden. Lalalala, je bent zo lief en zo cute en zo happy. - Oké, nu weer serieus. Ik vind je gewoon een fantastische leuke meid en ik wil nog heel lang met je praten en gezellig met je doen. WANT JE BEN FANTASTISCH. Ik hou van je, lieve Essie. Zo, zo veel. <3

Lieke - Moroles:
I love you. <3

Ruth - Rintous:
Lieve, lieve Esmee,
Laatst had je een lief berichtje op mijn profiel achtergelaten, dan 'moet' ik dat ook eigenlijk bij jou doen ghehe. ^.^
Anyways, ik vind het altijd zo lastig om wat op te schrijven, dus ik ga het maar gewoon proberen. Ik vond het leuk dat ik op je verjaardag was en je bent een hele lieve, aardige, grappige meid. Laten we hopen dat we elkaar nog wel een keer gaan zien. Lieve Esmee, dit was mijn berichtje voor jou, i love you. <3
Liefs, mij.

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