1. Take care of yourself. Make yourself look decent, clean your skin often and make sure to clean it well.

2. Have close friends of all ages, from everywhere, with different interest around you. It makes you understand people more.

3. Know what you're taking about. Don't talk shit about a topic that you know nothing about just to say something or to pretend to be interesting.

4. Know your limits in friendships. Friends should bring you up, lift your mood and spirits, not bring you down. You can't help everyone.

5. Change as much in your room as you possibly can.

6. Try a lot of new things, go out a lot and embrace opportunities, even when they're bad. If they're good, than you'll have a wonderful memory. If it was bad than you'll have a wonderful lesson.

7. Watch people a lot. You get to know them a little bit better by that. And don't talk too much. Start listening some more.

8. Know your limits. Not only with friendships, but also with yourself. Know how much pressure you can take and where your limits lay. Take a break sometimes. The same goes for studying. It's not the end of the world when you get a bad grade.

9. Also know your standards. Don't let your friends push you into something like smoking or drinking when you promised yourself you wouldn't do it. You're not looking cool by doing something like that. You wíll look cool when you say no.

10. Find little restaurants or places that make you feel comfortable and share it with your friends.

11. Clean up your room. Yes, it's not fun to do it, but you should. You will feel a lot happier after you cleaned your room.

12. Try to listen to as many music as possible, from as many genres as possible.

13. Drink loads of water.

14. Be as open minded as you possible can be and show off a positive vibe.

15. Say what you want to say. You will regret it when you didn't say it.

16. Meet friends from the internet but always be safe while doing so.

17. Go to concerts.

18. Sometimes you'll have to die a little before you can fully live. Don't let some stupid shit hold you down from living your life.

19. Travel a lot. Not only is it fun, it also makes you a little bit more independent.

20. If you really want something then go for it. The only thing standing in your way is you.

21. Embrace all the help you can get, whether it's from friends, your family or even professional help.

22. Always have a bottle of water next to your bed when you're going to sleep.

23. Give yourself some credit for the work you've done.

24. Sometimes you have to let the people around you know what's going on in that head of yours.

25. Learn different languages.

26. Read many books.

27. Be careful with your body. You only have one of it, so treat it with a big amount of respect.

28. Instead of saying something bad to yourself, try to tell yourself something good. The world will bring you down many times, you don't have to bring yourself down too.

29. Always wear a hair elastic with you if you have longer hair. You never know when you might need it.

30. Sometimes you'll have to rebel a bit, towards your parents, friends, family, anyone. Don't let people walk over you that easily.

31. You will make mistakes. Big ones. It's okay. You're not flawless, no one is. Learn from them and try to not make them again.

32. Find a quote that speaks to you in any way and read it- repeat it and write it down. Make it yours.

33. Treat everyone how you would like to be treated. Treat them with a good amount of respect, but you cannot always expect to get that same amount of respect back (that does not mean that you have to lower your standards, though).

34. Your life is not your computer, or mobile phone. Get out once in a while, climb a tree, cycle to your friends house without telling them so and visit them by surprise.

35. Listen to the rain while you're trying to fall asleep and remember all the beauty around you.

36. Make a diary with important dates of awesome or shocking things that happened, so you can remember what you did and when you did something when you're older.

37. You'll laugh at yourself in a few years- for the way you dressed- acted- anything. So enjoy it now and embrace who you are now.

38. Do not always listen to your parents. They're not always right. Your friends are not always right either. Let them say what they want to say, think about what they said but, eventually, make a decision based of your own thoughts.

39. If something doesn't feel good- don't do it. You won't regret not doing what you could do because you felt that it was wrong. You'll be happy you didn't do it.

40. If you haven't found love yet, don't worry. It'll come your way, just have patience.

41. You can judge other persons, yes, but it's not your place to tell them your judgement, especially if you do not know them. Keep your criticism in front of you, but do always tell compliments.

42. If you want something, make a plan and work hard on it. Every. Single. Day.

43. Sometimes things do not quite work out the way you want them too. Let go of those things and move on. If you cannot change it, let it slide instead.

44. If your parents (or other family members/friends/whoever) give you something special (for your birthday/graduation/whatever) react surprised and thank them enough.

45. It's okay to not have fully figured out your life yet. No one really has.

46. Be human. Be humble. Forgive- but do not forget. Laugh. Cry. Make friends. You're alive to feel, to be real and to experience. You're alive to live.


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