The talent of Keavy Horan shows us her vulnerability.
Hope and despair are in the center of her stories. 'I try to visualise
the elusive of the mind, to create clarity to myself.'
The work of Keavy is a combination of art and dance, provided
with photography and visagie. She leaves pieces to the
creative mind. Her movements never tell the entire story.

'In my work I look for a moment of rest. A moment after the chaos or
a moment in complete silence in which a story can emerge.
The way my work arises is very close to my vision of the world.
Constantly creating tranquility in chaos, but also look for the point
where recognition and alienation touch.'

Keavy Horan finished Dublin's Secondary School of Science and Artwork in 2012.
She's now studying Medicines at Oxford University.

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