Arriving at Mixercity you will be facing a big, black, spooky fence with a massive gate in it that will remind you of Dracula's castle. It symbolises the courage a customer must have to enter this building, because in Tomlinson's castle you will see things you will néver forget. You will make great memories that will keep you up at night, in a good way. The gate will automatically open once it's beyond eight o'clock at eve. At all other times, the gate is double locked to prevent unwanted people from entering. You can always ring the bell on your right if you feel like you are a guest I will heartily welcome but be warned, I only let in the people I know very well. Once you enter, don't forget to greet the guards on your left and your right. Don't expect a reply, because these two mates are trained to stand still and look like they're gonna eat you at all time. They won't though, no worries. Once you have passed the gate and the guards, you will be walking over a high-quality red carpet, designed for special guests to walk over, because every customer is a special guest to me. At the stairs you will meet another two guards. They actually do talk and will ask you for your identity card. At eight o'clock guests from 12 to 16 are heartily welcome. If older, you will be requested to come back at a later time, if younger they will have to disappoint you. If you make your first step onto the stairs, manage not to startle from the fire that the flamethrowers on the both of your sides spit. To prevent anyone from getting hurt, as my dear friend Harry once did, there is now a fence around it. Please, make note of that fence and keep distance from the flamethrower itself. The stairs are made of luxurious materials such as gold and carpet and will give you a welcome feeling. The bold trees on the sides of the stairs, will decrease that feeling again by their creepy looks at night. Once you have figured out to walk up the stairs without any troubles, you will be facing another massive gate door made in baroque style with two more guards. Here is where you have to show your ticket that you can order via the website or buy on the spot. Then, past that door, you are finally inside. You will be welcomed by many neon lights that move around the room to keep the party going. The disco dancefloor is inviting you to step on it and to dance with your dearest fellows and the DJ will care for some good music. In some special occasions, a band will be pampering your night with live music on stage. If there is no band present, feel free to use the instruments that are on there. On the left of the stage, have a good laugh at the karaoke machine or manage your own music by requesting the DJ some songs and maybe he will even let you have a try at the dishjockey yourself. Relax at the loungeroom in some comfortable seats and have a drink at the cocktail bar that's near. You can also take a tropical snack, or a not so tropical snack like a hamburger. When done dancing you can visit the gaming room where you can game the night away on technology that will blow your mind. Not only are their gaming machines, there are also billiard tables, soccer tables and poker tables. The room nextdoor is a fitness room, where the sexy coach, Nancy, is pleased to help you perform at your best during your training. There's also a little pool present in the fitness room. Play a game at our bowling course while dancing on underneath the disco lights. If you're done with all the loud music, feel free to visit our restaurant that's on the same floor, but isolated with thick walls causing the music from outside to be dramatically softened. This is a starred restaurant for those who prefer the chic style. It's perfect for a date. Our cook will serve artistic meals that taste like heaven and our pianoman will play some live, classic music. If wished, a violist will be playing at your table for some extra cost. If you are one that loves plants, take a look at the decorations around. You will be very pleased. When lazy or disabled, use the elevator to move to another floor. This elevator contains a special button that will stop the elevator in between two floors, so you can undisturbed do your thing. At the second floor there are rooms available that you can hire for one hour, or for a complete night. In such a room, there's a luxurious bed, made up with soft coverage for the perfect nap or a wild night. For even better experience, put on the massaging mode of the bed. All design furniture will improve your residence optimally. In the bathroom, you might be pleased to use the hot tub with two relaxing modes: steam bath or bubble bath. If you go up one more floor, you will be finding my house, but I feel obnoxious to tell that it's not for customer's view. If you have travelled by car, you can park in the garage that's in the basement on one of the parking places that are enlightened with neon lights to mark your spot. When not travelled by car, or you just want to drive a cooler car, you can rent one of the sports cars in the back of the garage, varying from Ferrari to Porch. You can also ask for one of our taxi drivers to drive you home in such a luxurious cab. Safety is always guaranteed in Mixercity Club. We have many security guards and security cameras present to prevent violence from happening. From eight to twelve, guests between 12 and 16 are welcome, and guests from a later age are welcome from twelve o'clock midnight to seven o'clock in the morning. Prices differ per day and occasion. Have a look on the website for more information. Each day we have a different theme, including an erotical theme on Monday.

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