
“I’m so scared of going crazy.
I can already feel it happening.
Things look weird, sound weird.
Out of the blue I’ll start thinking
about stuff that doesn’t make any sense.
Sometimes the air around me feels... hard.
I don’t even know what that means,
but it's scary.”

“Things are bad, they are,
and they’ll get much worse for ya soon,
thats the truth. But down the road a piece,
you’ll be fightin’ true and good.
I can tell you’re not a bloody sissy.”
- Newt


There is this special friend you carry in your heart.
Someone you truly love for being your best friend.
Someone you like to share with everyting.
Someone that listens to you and will be there for you anytime.
I have a friend like that, it's you.


“His heart was a garden and
the walls were very high.
She was the only one who could break it.
And once she did,
he gave her his fragilest flower.
The heart.”


Rani was the new girl on set. Thomas liked her right away. Her looks, her voice, everything looked so perfect to him. And something made him smile the whole time, she had to play his crush in the movie.
"Hey Rani, remember me, Thomas," he started talking to her.
"Yes of course I remember you, hello," she smiled.
"I was wandering if we could rehearsel a scene together?"
"Sure! What scene would you like to do?" she asked.
"Euhm..." Thomas scratched the back of his neck and blushed a little bit. "The kissingscene?" Oh, he was such a badass!
"Euh... sure." It was a whisper, followed by a cute giggle, wich Thomas really liked. Damn, she was so cute! He badly wanted to kiss her!
"So... the kissing thingy?" Thomas said.
"Yes..." Rani was so shy, but Thomas couldn't wait, so he pressed his lips on hers. This was the perfect moment he was waiting for!


Your friendship
is a special gift,
given, happily
accepted and
deeply appreciated!


Darling, darling, oh, turn the lights back on now. Watching, watching, as the credits all roll down. Crying, crying, you know we're playing to a full house, house

No heroes, villains, one to blame
While wilted roses filled the stage
And the thrill, the thrill is gone
Our debut was a masterpiece
But in the end for you and me
Oh, the show, it can't go on

Oh, it's our time to go, but at least we stole the show. At least we stole the show.

I just wanted to tell you how lovely you are.
You're the sweetest and I love you!


“Didn't know you could measure
distance so well with nothing
but you bloody eyeballs.”
- Newt


“Sometimes they do things to make me
do the opposite of what they think,
I think, they think, I am going to do.”


Who is Dylan without Thomas?
Who is Thomas without Newt?
Who is Scott without Stiles?
Who is Peeta without Katniss?
Who is Bella without Edward?
Who is Mickey without Minnie?
Who is Sylvie without Rani?

Ik kan niet eens met alle woorden uitleggen of beschrijven hoeveel je voor me bent gaan betekenen in die meer dan twee jaar vriendschap die we al achter de rug hebben. Je bent de geweldigste en beste vriendin die ik nooit eerder had. Ik weet dat we elkaar nog nooit in het echt gezien hebben, maar toch voelt het alsof je dichterbij bent dan werkelijk is. Het lijkt zelfs alsof jij me het beste kent en het lijkt wel alsof wij al jaren en jaren vriendinnen zijn. Je beoordeelt me nooit om wie ik ben, ook al ben ik soms de grootste clown of belachelijk om een gênant verhaal dat ik meedeel. Jij bent degene die mij als de beste steunt, me altijd een schouder aanbiedt om op te huilen en je luistert als de beste naar al mijn verhalen die ik kwijt moet. Elke dag open ik onze chat op Facebook met heel veel plezier. Lachen, zeveren, enzovoort over de dingen die ons interesseren en die we meemaken, maar dat is niet alles, mensen moesten eens weten wat we soms met elkaar delen, haha.
Ik moet Quizlet bedanken, want dankzij deze site leerde ik je kennen. Bedankt om mijn leven binnen te stappen. Bedankt voor je geweldige vriendschap en voor alles wat je al gedaan hebt. Ik hou van je en waag het niet om ooit nog uit mijn leven te stappen. Ik heb je diep in mijn hart gesloten en wees maar zeker dat je daar nooit zal verdwijnen.

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