
I don't want to believe that there are still people around my age who think their dreams will come true by just dreaming it and who think people who have the same interests as you are nice and friendly and think they'll have a bright futur before them. People who haven't go through hardships yet. All sun and no rain.

I only got one advice for them : step out of your dreamworld and prepare for the coldhearted reality.

People will disappoint you, people will hurt you, people will rip out your heart and step on it, they will stab a knife in your back, they will do everything to bring you down.

Friends will betray you. But that proves they aren't worthy of your friendship and you have space left in your heart for other and better friends.
Family will turn your back on you. Your parents will hold you back because they think your dream isn't realistic or is not what they had in mind. Why? Because they want the best for you. If you did chose to do what you want to do, they'll eventually support you. But that, you've got to earn it by proving you can do it.

Just how bad do you want to chase your dreams? How many failures will it take to give up on your dreams? Just one? Two? Maybe three?
One answer : if you want to succeed as bad as you want to breath, then you'll be succesful.

So people who are still ignorant and become depressive after one, a few or a lot of failures, or people who haven't even gone through hardships. This is for you :


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