You don't know me but i wanted to tell you how special you are<3
because every time you walk through the halls at school and you think
"Wow she is beautiful" is there anyone else who says the same thing about you..
Every time someone bullies you, they are secretly jealous of who you are
Every time you wish to be someone else, someone else would be you
Every time you wish you could sing well or could dance, someone else would like to have your talent
Every time you cut yourself, is there someone who would like to save your life
Every time you wish to be dead, is there anyone who will miss
Stay Strong
Stay Beautiful


Awh, thank you so much (:
I know, the story was a lot more fun to read during the first 3 parts with the high school drama and Nathan and James and stuff, but new drama is on its way,, indeed.
Maybe something you guys can already expect or guess but I hope it'll make the story more enjoyable to read again.
Thanks for your sweet message and thank you for keeping your abo (:

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