Here are 5 ways to stop overthinking....

1. Every time you find yourself in a rut and the negative thoughts start entering your mind, do something fun (like coloring, running, or reading) to get your mind off things.

2. Remind yourself that life throws curve balls. This will make you less reactive to things that don't go your way.

3. Accept the fact that you cannot change the past. It's over and done with so stop thinking about it.

4. Write down a list of positive things--places you like to visit, things you're good at, life accomplishments, favorite foods, things that make you happy, etc.

5. Meditate (although this isn't the best suggestion for those who are constantly jittery/unable to relax). If you are able to bring yourself to this serene state of peace, don't think about anything, just breathe.

Reageer (1)

  • Scandicy

    Ik snap de meerwaarde van het Engels niet zo goed - maar al met al is punt 1 wel erg handig voor mij. Ik pieker veel te veel en dan is het inderdaad misschien handig om even mijn gedachten te verzetten, hoe moeilijk dat ook kan zijn.

    8 jaar geleden

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