• One Direction meeten.
• Go to One Direction concert.
Go to Parijs.
Go to Disneyland.
• Go to Demi Lovato concert.
• Demi Lovato meeten.
Shop in Parijs.
dance under the Eiffeltower.
• Go to Londen.
Go to the top of the Eiffeltower.
• Let a dream came true.
• Sing for the class.
• Get a hug from One Direction.
• Go to Los Angelos.
• Go to New York.
• Go to Colombia, Bogota
• Bungeejumpen
• Go to Rome
• Marcus Butler & Joe Sugg meeten
• Go to Shakira Concert
• Give a big party for my best friends
• Find the love of my life
• Skydriving
• With my bestfriend to London.
• With my bestfriend to De Efteling
• With my bestfriend to Madame Tussauds
• Meet my bestfriend in the Carrefour in Spain :))

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