When you take a look at life,
You'll see the beautiful things,
Just a little moment to see the special things in life,
Think about the things you wouldn't really care about normally,
But also think about the things you akready knew that are special.
Think about your first real love,
Wasn't it a great feeling?
Think about you're first little kiss?
Wasn't you extremely nervous?
Those things are things you already knew that are special i think,
But now take a moment to think about a good friend,
Isn't it special that you can be so close with someone without loving each other as in a relationship?
Isn't it special that you know so much about each other?
And now take a moment to think about the things that maybe happen everyday,
When you and the whole class are laughing about something funny,
Or when the whole class is hoping on a good note.
Have you thought about it? Have you seen how special life is?
Think about this more time, you'll learn to appreciate life.

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