This was the last day I wanted to kill myself.
That night, at 19;38 a guy called me.
His name isn't important. He asked if I wanted to smoke with him.
I smoked a long time. But I stopped it, for a while.
I said ok.
I didnt know this would save my life.
I toke one.
In one evening we smoked a lot.
We talked a lot.
'Everything is gonna be alright in the end'he said. 'But I want to end it NOW' I said.
Waiting is terrible.
Waiting for a good day to come.
'Then you end it'he said. It was so simple to say.
'As people say bad things, You call me. I will come as fast I can'he said.

I had to remeber a lot of people my name was Desiree, and not elephant.
I called him, and as he promised he came. In 30 minits he was on my school.
I know it wasn't the best thing I could do,
but at that moment I thought it was te only one.

I'm going away from this school.
People hate me.
'The girl who fight with everyone'is now my name.
Tired of trying to be nice to people.
So I'm going to a , yeah how you call that, Problem school.
The teachers would have a lot more time for me,
and the importantest:
I'm not having fights everyday.

Year is almost over.
I'm happy, and greatful for the people I've met this year.
Not going to another school anymore.
Still living in the same house.
People were that scared of me, they said sorry.
I swear, from now, I wouldnt smoke anymore.
No more fights, and the most important
not going to the dream anymore.

This day, is the best day of my whole life.
I hanged out with a guy, and in that evening he asked me to be his girlfriend.
He stopped me smoking, he cares.

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