So, well... Some of you saw on Twitter that I was going to perform live with my band at a youth festival in the Todo.

Our audience was existing out of... maybe a 75% filled hall. And there are going 200 people in that hall... So that's a lot. And I'm counting the people of the bar, sound and light effects with everyone then.
So I was kind of scared.

We have practised on this for about half a year now. It was sure we'd play Time Is Running Out. We starting practising that one almost at the first band rehearsal we had.
We wanted to play Dune Tune as the second song, but it's instrumental and as we're actually not an instrumental band it was hard for us to catch up with that one, so just the last band rehearsal before the performance we decided to drop Dune Tune and play Starlight instead. We've been practising Supermassive Black Hole as well, but our coach said we could not play it live because Lotte (vocalist/guitarist) wasn't able to sing along with it as it got too difficult then.
We decided to play Supermassive Black Hole instrumental to show our coach we could play it without vocals and so we did.

When we were backstage today Lotte and I were kind of nervous. Hugo (bassist) was kind of relaxed, but that's because he plays in more bands, so he'd performed once already and he's kind of used to it already, so it was a piece of cake for him. For Lotte and I it was something new, we'd actually never performed live before and we both were scared that we would fail miserably and now we're extremely happy we did not fail! Apparently it was one of the best performances of the day as we received a super applause. I don't know if you can hear it properly in the videos I'm going to post underneath this little blog thing, but there were people whistling and cheering and clapping (of course).

When we got back into the audience to see our families. And then they told us that people were tapping their feet and some guys were drumming along with me. Someone even screamed during Time Is Running Out. I'm sure you can hear it in the videos.

We're glad it was a great success and we'd love to perform more!


Time Is Running Out

Starlight/Supermassive Black Hole