IMAGINE: you had a fight with Justin and didn't talk to him for days. You're worried about him and you're missing him so badly. You're wondering if he's actually thinking about you and what happened between you two. Your stomach hurts again and you went to your bed with tears in your eyes. "what did I do?" you said while you're holding your stomach and started to cry. You decided to call him, but he doesn't answer the phone. You through your phone away. After a couple minutes your phone makes a sound. You stand up as fast as you can but it wasn't Justin so you didn't answer the phone. You went to your bed again and lay down on your stomach. When suddenly your mom walked in your room. "are you okay?" she asked with a sweet and soft voice. "no mom" you answered with tears. Your mom sat down next to you. "what happened babe?" and she plays with your hair. "I had a huge fight with Justin and doesn't answer my phone for a couple days now and I'm so worried. I can't take this anymore mom" and you started to cry harder. "it's alright baby, if he really loves you he will come back and talk with you. He won't let you cry here on your bed for days. Stay strong" she kissed your head and left your room. you picked up your phone and called Justin again. Still no answer. So you put on some music and after a hour you fell in sleep. Deep sleep, cause you didn't sleep for days. Suddenly you woke up cause you heard a sound. You picked up your phone and it was 00:27 AM you slept so long. But then you heard that sound again. You slowly stood up and walked though your window. You opened your curtain. you saw someone standing in front on your window. it was a black shade and it was looking down. You put your hand in front of your mouth you knocked on the window and the person looked in your eyes. You saw it was Justin. He was all wet by the rain. You opened your window "Justin, what are you doing here?" you asked and tried not to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry (your name) . Please forgive me" he said. You took his hand. "come in, please" you begged. He looked in your eyes and he climbed through your window in your room. He takes off his jacket and put it on your desk. He plays with your hair and than he sat down on your bed. You was standing in the middle of your room and just looking at him. And suddenly he started to talk. "sorry, sorry for everything. You don't deserve this. You don't deserve this pain. I shouldn't hurt you this much. You're my girlfriend and I..I'm sorry (your name) " he said and puts his hands around his face. This broke your heart. You couldn't see Justin crying. Yes, he danced with other girl because he was drunk. But you can't hate him. You walked through him and started to talk slowly. "Justin" and you stopped. He lifts his head up and looks in your eyes. "Justin, it's alright. Don't worry
he looked down again. "I'm serious. I love you too and I forgive you. But please, don't do this again. Answer your calls. I was worried about.." you didn't finished your line. Justin stood up, placed his hands on your face and started to kiss you. You kissed him back and enjoyed the moment. He stops and puts him both hands around your face. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too" and he pulled you close to him body. "I think I have to go, you have to sleep" he said and kissed your fore head. He turned around to walk away but you pulled him back. He looked at you and started to laugh. "what are you doing?" he asked while he was giggling. "stay with me tonight" you said. He smiled and took his shirt off. You smiled back and he took his pants off. You walked though your bed and Justin was walking behind you. You lay down and he lay down next to you. He leans on his arm and kissed your cheek. "I love you" he whispered in your ear and you fall asleep in his warm arms.


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