- Go to a One Direction concert 24/25 June 2014
- Meet One Direction
- Meet Connor Franta
- Go to London October 2014
- Go to New York
- Go to California
- Breath in helium and talk
- Getting 1/5 on Twitter
- Meet NiallsCutie 24 juni 2014
- Try every single Ben&Jerry taste
- Try Pumpkin Spice Latte September 2014
- Swim with dolphins
- Have a sleepover on a trampoline
- Get a tattoo
- Let 100 balloons at the same time go
- Put my adress in a bottle and throw it into the sea
- Complete a diary
- Finish a story on Q
- Eating so many haribo bears until I don't like them anymore.
- Hug random people
- Visit every Disney park in the world

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