1. The Battle for Earth

' the open sky light, God opens his hands, he was angry with the man and spits out a handful of enlightened debris from the sky ...

but ...

it was not what we expected ....
what we expect then?

debris approaching the earth and what man thought the stars were falling they were wrong ....

aliens take the earth and take all our valuables with.
when the end is near, and our calendar comes to an end, they are the only one who can save us ....

the avengers come to a dangerous point where any wrong step could mean the end every decision they take, any words they speak will be the salvation of our planet ... or death ....

dit verhaal is gebaseerd op feiten van 2012 de acopalys van de maya kalender.
verhaal bevat : spanning
een hoog bloed gehalte
voor lezers vanaf 16 +
soundtracks en andere


2. The Chest of Pandora

Four kingdoms fight together as brothers against the king of the underworld Hades, he died with the dreaded box of death "the box of Pandora 'box contained Indeed dark forces, forces full power you immediately ruler made ​​over many kingdoms. ...

Thousands of years later the box back up and guarded by the Magians Hecates. The discovery of the coffin runs like wildfire the kingdoms within, when the news to the ears of Nortenie is the king of Eunomia want it at all costs the coffin get their hands if it means a war unleash and brotherhood break ...

dit verhaal is gebaseerd op : engelen, goden, broederschappen, en alle fantasierijke wezens die je fantasie te boven komen en in dit verhaal werkelijkheid wordt. de strijd om de box is geopend. en zo ook een oorlog....

dit verhaal bevat : avontuur
vanaf 16 +
soundtracks en andere

3. The Dark World

Muspelheim a world full of heat and sun ... a world that dominates and maintained and a bond with the world of Asgard. a long time ago, the leaders of Muspelheim a dream, a dream that a prince will continue their work and reigns with rechtvaard and maintained. but .... the leaders could not have children .. their dream was after a long time ... away.

One day, there was good news. Muspelheim finally has a prince.
everyone was thrilled everyone except .... the frost giants.

One night a cold blooded night demolish the frost giants inside the kingdom and kidnapped the little prince. as trace they left behind a piece of asgard guard. Muspelheim immediately stood on the brink of war against Asgard. they could not stop them and if done it ....

Thor is one of the sins of Odin went for help with their allies the Greeks. she gave them a mighty army that nobody was against it.

a war has started to fight for Asgard

dit verhaal is gebaseerd op : historie
soundtracks en andere
vanaf 16+

kies het verhaal die je graag zou willen lezen en laat je meeslepen in drie verhalen vol strijd en avontuur

Reageer (4)

  • Quapo

    Ben dol op thor en loki

    9 jaar geleden
  • ArinaV

    2. The Chest of Pandora ziet er echt super vet uit!

    Maar je hebt het al zo druk met andere verhalen, ja ja ik heb het bloggen ontdekt op Quizlet. Nu pas? Nu pas. :Y)

    1 decennium geleden
  • GreyTardis

    oh die laatste twee *_* echt cool, ik bedoel hoe kom je er opxD maar wel verder gaan met winter soldier hmmm?!!(N) of ik kom je halen!!(6)(6)

    1 decennium geleden
  • aquafresh

    leuke verhalen (:

    1 decennium geleden

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